Saturday, January 1, 2011

December 31st

And it's that time of the year ago. And time to say goodbye to the irrelevant.
Next year I'll be busting my ramblings at
Though this time around, I plan to be a blogger. One that actually blogs, and the new blog should be permanent and not an annual thing. So. Wish me luck?

Saturday, November 20, 2010


*soothing female train-destination-announcer voice that I so wish I had*
And to reassure those of you who may or may not have had several startling thoughts about whether or not I, the artful blogger (that's 'BLOG-ger' with an L, not the artful booger - don't get any ideas, unhygienic children) have ill-advisedly stuck my chopsticks into the toaster and died of electrocution sims-2-style what with the whole skeleton lighting up thing and such. Not that that (double 'that's intentional) would be likely, anyway. Wood is a poor conductor. Which really goes to show exactly how much *busy busy* study I have been up to these last few days, despite the fact that physics is a thing of the past because
I'M FINISHED YEAR TEN, AND I'M GOING TO FRANCE, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I actually really hate using 'baby' unless referring to an infant, but ah well. Exceptions, exceptions.
Anyway, thought you'd like to know that I'll be blogging regularly. Or I plan to at least. Let's pretend that we don't know what that means o.o
ps. I got an ultra cool ninja watch today.
it's sheer brilliance. everyone. go. see. it. now!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


If there's something I really hate, it's the flashing cursor bar on a blank plage. Yeah, it's pretty horrible which is why I'm currently typing ultra fast as not to have the silly flashing cursor bar flash its flashiness at me intimidatingly - if that's a word - and pardon my spelling mistakes because I'll just fix them later. Yeah, so in order to fast type-itly beat the flashing cursor bar, I gotta type pretty fast which means I'm basically just spewing out whatever I happen to be thinking of that seems semi normal at least. hohohohoohhehehehehehhahahahahahahhahahahahhahaha.....yeah that's easy to type all you've got to do is smash the h and a keys repeatedly.... he he he he
I'm not hysterical. I'm just typing fast, there's a difference.
so so so I can't stop......otherwise that cursed flashing line will come up again...............SOOOOOOOOO here's what I've been up to, or whatever and stuff that such is somthing that I wish tot alk about....ow I just poked my finger inbetween the key space thing.................................
okay. those full stops were just an excuse to think somethingup, because when the flashing cursor thing comes back it's beaten me and I WILL NOT SUCCUMB TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This morning I drank coffee....num num num it tasted gooood
I just sneezed. The cursor bar flashed.
What a fail :(

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sometimes short messages are the most effective

A few words for tumblr: