Monday, February 1, 2010

February First

F irst day of Feb. Oh names means that we are pretty much 8 (and a half) % of the way through the year already! (Of course I used a calculator) Wowowowee it does go fast, doesn't it?
E veryone's looking forward to Valentines day (unless you're single or you've just been heartlessly dumped and the mention of Feb14 makes you donwright depressed) where you get showered with love, flowers, and enough chocolates to make you turn into a fat saggy bundle of flesh && CHINESE NEW YEAR (unless you're not Chinese)-the opportunity to become $rich$ and to eat yummy food & watch lion/dragon dances... woo.
B ack to school! (Daaaaaaaamnit -______-) It's that time of the year when we return to that ill fated place to be educated....for the better or worse, we all have to go. Except for those rare and lucky homeschoolies >.<>
R emember it's the last month of summer until December, so enjoy this beautifully blistering, boiling heat and dance around in the sunshine and get a tan while you can! But of course, I'm predicting that we're going to have a sunny March... anyways, don't forget to wear sunscreen and a hat! (I got burnt the other day on the Leeuwin... ouch >.< )
U nleash your inner awesomeness! Of course, there's no reason why you shouldn't do it any other month...but I'm really not the best poet and 'u' is not my favourite letter.
A nd it's a short month too (28 days this year) so make the most of it! And happy birthday to all whose birthdays are in February (there seem to be a lot of you too) in advance, in case I forget later on: Camille, Cindy, Emily, Hannah, Emily and Rin! If I missed yours, don't hate on me. Just let me know and I'll stick it in somewhere...
R elish (is that even a word? I think I meant 'cherish' but whatever...) the memories! You know, we'll never have another February 2010 every again after this, unless the entire planet reincarnates. (And let's face it, that's definitely not going to be happening.) So enjoy this February, and get something special out of it...... like a new friend, or un-enemize yourself with someone. I dunno, just do something good for yourself and the world (:
Y ou now need to get off your ugly backside, and get away from your computer and go do something!!!! Like exercise, or go read a book, or do some work, or go do the community a service like cleaning up all the rubbish because you should be making this FEBRUARY a better place for everyone to be. So there... you have your orders. GO LITTLE PEOPLE, GO!

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