Monday, May 17, 2010

My brain hurts

I am aware that I haven't blogged in a while, but it's my blog and I can do what I want. I can't help it if I'm excessively lazy and too selfish to care about my readers ^^
Anyway, so today I went to this conference at Scotch College. I was a little disappointed to find out that the boys there did not drink Scotch Whiskey. But then again we don't wave around sceptres and we don't wear crowns even though our school name includes the word "King".
Rebecca promised to write some interesting things about the same excursion here. So check out that when you get the time because she is a blogoogling good blogger (and has started to blog regularly, unlike myself).

So we listened to lectures (yeah. the sort where you sit on your "boTTom" for hours and listen to people waffle. Only the nice lady had an insanely rad English accent, which it made everything she had to say far more interesting) on a few topics. Which included Justice, Truth, Beauty and Mathematics (I liked how it challenged the existence of maths. Is maths created, or discovered?), Time (I like clocks, but this was just downright boring and irritating), Nanotechnology and Sex in the 21st Century (highly interesting. I won't share the disturbing details here, but there is a certain pretty funny fact. But you'll just have to ask privately).

So what I was really interested in was Nanotechnology. I thought it'd be the most boring subject on the day's lecture plan, but it actually turned out to be the most fascinating. I suppose there must be people like me, who've only heard of the word 'nano' in association with the iPod nano. Well, nanotechnology is a branch of science which specializes in tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny things. Miss English kept repeating "not miscroscopic. Nano-scofic." Nanotechnology is being funded hugely by governments all around the place - because they all believe that Nanotechnology is the future, and that it will revolutionize the world - even more so than electricity.

Anyway, enough with the boring stuff. If you're still with me, then here's the more awesome stuff. With nanotechnology, it opens the world up to possibilites, (and many of these are already in action, close to a breakthrough an not merely future fancy daydreams) including:
1. FOOD. I know some certain people will be excited about this. Everlasting gobstoppers, chewing gum meals and lickable wall paper are all within grasp!!!! :o
AND they can use nanotechnology to manipulate the particles which make up our food - using WOW. So they coat water with a substance (eg. oil, sugar) so that using nanotechnology they can create something that looks, tastes and feels like chocolate - but is actually mostly water, therefore eliminating most of the fat and other icky stuff. Now wouldn't that make me happy.

There's heaps of other medical benefits, military advantages and so on and so on as well as the potential to cause huge damage with nanotechnology. So far it's a new concept, that has not had enough research done it it's rather hazy and dangerous at present. But I want to draw your attention to this:

Will not stain or wrinkle.
And they're working on pants that will not absorb odour. Think about it, without even bothering about washing them, you could live off one pair of undies for the rest of your life :D

1 comment:

  1. those are the awesomest invention ever.

    they need to work on the fashion side of things with the pants :D
