Oh my goodness, I'm so excited!
I've just found out that the Titanic is being re-released in cinemas 2012 in 3D! It's going to be the same movie as the 1997 Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet version, just in 3D. 2012 commemorates the 100th anniversary of the sinking.
Wow. This movie is amazing. I simply can't wait!
Check it out here
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Our very own Natural disaster
It seems as though Perth no longer sits back and watches the action that happens to other places without any thing ever happening here.
Our Monday storm was officially declared a natural disaster. So now that we have all gone through the horror of this natural disaster... hey, I guess we should give the storm its very own name? Ideas, anyone?
Our Monday storm was officially declared a natural disaster. So now that we have all gone through the horror of this natural disaster... hey, I guess we should give the storm its very own name? Ideas, anyone?
Monday, March 22, 2010
Today I saw a huge bolt of lightning that turned the whole sky PURPLE for a second. It was awesome.
Sunshine, Hot weather, Wind, Humidity, Thunderstorm, Hail, Heavy rain, Lightning.. all in one day. What is the world coming to?
It's quiet now, but I hope the storm comes back :)
Today I saw a huge bolt of lightning that turned the whole sky PURPLE for a second. It was awesome.
Sunshine, Hot weather, Wind, Humidity, Thunderstorm, Hail, Heavy rain, Lightning.. all in one day. What is the world coming to?
It's quiet now, but I hope the storm comes back :)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Crazy Fast
Thankyou Cindy for enlightening me about this superfast rapper. Wow, this guy needs to relax! (and a haircut too) Check out 1:49-2:06ish... I doubt the Koreans can even understand this! :) What awesome talent indeed.
Arrival de la lit
OH YES. At last, after one year and several months (September 2008-Now. You do the math) I am now the owner, and sole owner, and rightful owner, and finally an owner of A BED :D
They called on Wednesday, and at last, on Friday all the parts arrived! Yesterday was spent cleaning out my room (of course, mum went spats at me over every particle of dust. But, really, how are you supposed to dust the floor when there's a whole sofa/desk in the way? Just as well as she didn't check the wardrobe. Would've had a nasty shock there hahaha)
So I had to basically move my dressing table (which weighs about 65kg, I'd estimate) by myself without scratching any of the floorboards that got put in last year so I had to lift the blasted table (*sweat*) and get my desk into the hall way without knocking any of the stuff on it over...
And then mum and I lifted the various heavy parts of the bed into my room.
Assembling it was fun. It was like building lego furniture, except on a slightly larger scale. Little brother was under the heavy supporting part when we were lifting it onto the side of the bed. Kid kept looking he was under severe stress and fear that we were going to drop it on him (which probably would have given him permanent damage if we had :). But eventually the job was done, and the day ended up nicely with watching 2 episodes of Boys Before Flowers! (yeah, so much for homework! >.< )
So I think in total I must have lifted quite a lot of furniture. I ought to have rock hard muscles by now, but when I check my arms this morning, they're just as squishy as always... *sigh*
Darn, guess I should start doing chin ups on my new bed :D
And for those of you who think this is a trifling matter: YOU TRY SLEEPING ON THE GROUND FOR A YEAR AND SEVERAL MONTHS AND TELL ME THAT YOU LIKE IT. I don't know which person who said sleeping on a hard surface is good for you back, but I'm pretty sure my back is crooked-ish anyway. So don't listen to him, that's all :)
They called on Wednesday, and at last, on Friday all the parts arrived! Yesterday was spent cleaning out my room (of course, mum went spats at me over every particle of dust. But, really, how are you supposed to dust the floor when there's a whole sofa/desk in the way? Just as well as she didn't check the wardrobe. Would've had a nasty shock there hahaha)
So I had to basically move my dressing table (which weighs about 65kg, I'd estimate) by myself without scratching any of the floorboards that got put in last year so I had to lift the blasted table (*sweat*) and get my desk into the hall way without knocking any of the stuff on it over...
And then mum and I lifted the various heavy parts of the bed into my room.
Assembling it was fun. It was like building lego furniture, except on a slightly larger scale. Little brother was under the heavy supporting part when we were lifting it onto the side of the bed. Kid kept looking he was under severe stress and fear that we were going to drop it on him (which probably would have given him permanent damage if we had :). But eventually the job was done, and the day ended up nicely with watching 2 episodes of Boys Before Flowers! (yeah, so much for homework! >.< )
So I think in total I must have lifted quite a lot of furniture. I ought to have rock hard muscles by now, but when I check my arms this morning, they're just as squishy as always... *sigh*
Darn, guess I should start doing chin ups on my new bed :D
And for those of you who think this is a trifling matter: YOU TRY SLEEPING ON THE GROUND FOR A YEAR AND SEVERAL MONTHS AND TELL ME THAT YOU LIKE IT. I don't know which person who said sleeping on a hard surface is good for you back, but I'm pretty sure my back is crooked-ish anyway. So don't listen to him, that's all :)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
What irritates me most is that nearly all the comments on this video are about Kim Hyun Joong (for those of you who don't already know. He's the guy who looks like this)
And yes, as I was saying, most of video comments are about Kim Hyun Joong when this is KIM JUN'S (picture included for the clueless) video!!!

It's a good song. Wish I knew what the heck he is singing about though...
Rising Star *twinkle sparkle*
I wonder what it'd be like to be the discovery of a new celebrity? Pretty interesting, I'm sure, but I think I'm on the verge of a discovery! :D A profile on Miss Halle Geb:
Name: Hallelujah Geb (Have shortened last name for 1. Privacy and 2. I can't spell it ^^)
Age: 15 Birthday: November 1st (According to facebook) 1994
Born in Egypt and grew up in Melbourne. Etheopian (from what I can remember?) descent and has a beautiful smiley smile that I really wish I had. Although that would just look weird (on me, I mean).
I really reckon Halle will end up being some mission worker/leader or a really famous and charismatic politician/activist... but then that's just my thoughts, eh?
I know that she is bubbly, friendly, smart and is good at sports and musicky stuff. I also happen to know that she stinks at sewing (I'm sorry Halle. I can't put that image of some...interesting experiments in year 8 clothing class out of my mind! ^_^) and once attempted and failed at a tomato diet :)
Oh the memories we share that you all totally wish you could share too.
The one that comes to mind is her role as the Hippie Queen in Snow White II, 2007 (my face still occasionally tingles with shame ahaha. I still have a copy for anyone who is desperate for a watch ^^)
So yess, anyways, if you haven't already, I strongly advise that you go talk to Halle. Just cause she's cool. and awesome. and easy to talk to :) It might just make your day.
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away:: Rev 21:4 ♥

Age: 15 Birthday: November 1st (According to facebook) 1994
Born in Egypt and grew up in Melbourne. Etheopian (from what I can remember?) descent and has a beautiful smiley smile that I really wish I had. Although that would just look weird (on me, I mean).
I really reckon Halle will end up being some mission worker/leader or a really famous and charismatic politician/activist... but then that's just my thoughts, eh?
I know that she is bubbly, friendly, smart and is good at sports and musicky stuff. I also happen to know that she stinks at sewing (I'm sorry Halle. I can't put that image of some...interesting experiments in year 8 clothing class out of my mind! ^_^) and once attempted and failed at a tomato diet :)
Oh the memories we share that you all totally wish you could share too.
The one that comes to mind is her role as the Hippie Queen in Snow White II, 2007 (my face still occasionally tingles with shame ahaha. I still have a copy for anyone who is desperate for a watch ^^)
So yess, anyways, if you haven't already, I strongly advise that you go talk to Halle. Just cause she's cool. and awesome. and easy to talk to :) It might just make your day.
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away:: Rev 21:4 ♥
Thursday, March 4, 2010
I must be the biggest hypocrite in the history of hypocrites. After stating multiple times that I had no desire to set up a formspring account because any questions that anyone wanted to ask me, they ask it to my face, I have to admit that curiosity eventually got the better of me and I have created a formspring.me profile. It is true that I like answering some questions, and since I'm bored and really have nothing better to do apart from homework...why not wonder what people are going to ask anonymously? It could be a very intriguing social experiment.
http://formspring.me/WooBin ask me anything. Just make sure it's interesting or I won't bother answering.
http://formspring.me/WooBin ask me anything. Just make sure it's interesting or I won't bother answering.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Electronic Bushes
Today while walking out of the library at the end of the day; Eleanor, Ashleigh and I made an unusual discovery. A computer in the middle of the bushes... which was random and quite funny. We were told to report it, because apparently 3 computers were stolen from the school. So with finding one computer, there's 2 more to go. Thing is, why would someone go to all the trouble of stealing a computer only to drop it in a pile of bushes? I've put together a list of possible theories...
1. Say that all the computers were taken in one night, and there was a shortage of thieves, perhaps they were not able to carry so many computers at once, so one was purposely left behind with the intention of coming back for it later.
It's not possible that the thief threw the computer into the bush in a hurry, or that someone in the office got angry at it and tossed it out of the window and into the bushes, because the computer looked quite in good shape - all the pieces (modem, keyboard..etc) were there and upright and it showed no signs of having been carelessly tossed down. The computer had to have been placed there deliberately.
2. Perhaps it was stolen by a student who put it in the bush as a joke. Not likely, as this seems risky and pointless - if a student hated a certain computer teacher, wouldn't it make more sense to vandalize the computer?
And now that it's been estasblished that the computer was deliberately placed there - what purpose would sticking it in a bush have served? The most likely conclusion I could draw from the scene was that it was placed there as a hiding spot. Although this doesn't seem terrible solid either, as in the bushes is not exactly the best hiding spot in the world - although if the robbery happened at night and all the doors and windows were shut and the thief/s were in a hurry, perhaps they didn't really have anywhere better to put it?
All I can say is, it's an awfully funny and strange scenario. Anyone like to present some ideas? ^_^
1. Say that all the computers were taken in one night, and there was a shortage of thieves, perhaps they were not able to carry so many computers at once, so one was purposely left behind with the intention of coming back for it later.
It's not possible that the thief threw the computer into the bush in a hurry, or that someone in the office got angry at it and tossed it out of the window and into the bushes, because the computer looked quite in good shape - all the pieces (modem, keyboard..etc) were there and upright and it showed no signs of having been carelessly tossed down. The computer had to have been placed there deliberately.
2. Perhaps it was stolen by a student who put it in the bush as a joke. Not likely, as this seems risky and pointless - if a student hated a certain computer teacher, wouldn't it make more sense to vandalize the computer?
And now that it's been estasblished that the computer was deliberately placed there - what purpose would sticking it in a bush have served? The most likely conclusion I could draw from the scene was that it was placed there as a hiding spot. Although this doesn't seem terrible solid either, as in the bushes is not exactly the best hiding spot in the world - although if the robbery happened at night and all the doors and windows were shut and the thief/s were in a hurry, perhaps they didn't really have anywhere better to put it?
All I can say is, it's an awfully funny and strange scenario. Anyone like to present some ideas? ^_^
Summer is over...
The leaves of the trees around my place are starting to turn red and brown. Soon they will drop off and I can build a giant mountain of leaves to jump up and down in (not that I've ever done that that I can remember....but I fully intend to)
So things to achieves this autumn (and I WILL achieve all of these things and come back to check them off when I have!):
[x] Finish that ghastly book Anayalight by the 23rd April for Alice's birthday present
[x] Survive through the first online brain bee competition coming up soon...
[x] Turn 15...and become 1.5 decades old. (Guess this is inevitable, unless I fall off a building or something :/ )
[ ] Get 100% on at least one school test (come to think of it, I don't even remember the last time I fully aced something. Looks like this'll be interesting...)
[x] Be sleeping in a BED by the time winter arrives so I won't have to huddle on the floor when it's cold.
[x] Clean my room so when the bed comes, it has somewhere to go.
[ ] Make somebody laugh until either they choke on their food or spit out whatever liquid that was in their mouth. Just because it's funny.
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