Age: 15 Birthday: November 1st (According to facebook) 1994
Born in Egypt and grew up in Melbourne. Etheopian (from what I can remember?) descent and has a beautiful smiley smile that I really wish I had. Although that would just look weird (on me, I mean).
I really reckon Halle will end up being some mission worker/leader or a really famous and charismatic politician/activist... but then that's just my thoughts, eh?
I know that she is bubbly, friendly, smart and is good at sports and musicky stuff. I also happen to know that she stinks at sewing (I'm sorry Halle. I can't put that image of some...interesting experiments in year 8 clothing class out of my mind! ^_^) and once attempted and failed at a tomato diet :)
Oh the memories we share that you all totally wish you could share too.
The one that comes to mind is her role as the Hippie Queen in Snow White II, 2007 (my face still occasionally tingles with shame ahaha. I still have a copy for anyone who is desperate for a watch ^^)
So yess, anyways, if you haven't already, I strongly advise that you go talk to Halle. Just cause she's cool. and awesome. and easy to talk to :) It might just make your day.
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away:: Rev 21:4 ♥
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