Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Electronic Bushes

Today while walking out of the library at the end of the day; Eleanor, Ashleigh and I made an unusual discovery. A computer in the middle of the bushes... which was random and quite funny. We were told to report it, because apparently 3 computers were stolen from the school. So with finding one computer, there's 2 more to go. Thing is, why would someone go to all the trouble of stealing a computer only to drop it in a pile of bushes? I've put together a list of possible theories...

1. Say that all the computers were taken in one night, and there was a shortage of thieves, perhaps they were not able to carry so many computers at once, so one was purposely left behind with the intention of coming back for it later.

It's not possible that the thief threw the computer into the bush in a hurry, or that someone in the office got angry at it and tossed it out of the window and into the bushes, because the computer looked quite in good shape - all the pieces (modem, keyboard..etc) were there and upright and it showed no signs of having been carelessly tossed down. The computer had to have been placed there deliberately.

2. Perhaps it was stolen by a student who put it in the bush as a joke. Not likely, as this seems risky and pointless - if a student hated a certain computer teacher, wouldn't it make more sense to vandalize the computer?

And now that it's been estasblished that the computer was deliberately placed there - what purpose would sticking it in a bush have served? The most likely conclusion I could draw from the scene was that it was placed there as a hiding spot. Although this doesn't seem terrible solid either, as in the bushes is not exactly the best hiding spot in the world - although if the robbery happened at night and all the doors and windows were shut and the thief/s were in a hurry, perhaps they didn't really have anywhere better to put it?

All I can say is, it's an awfully funny and strange scenario. Anyone like to present some ideas? ^_^


  1. dang, another interesting thing has happened in your life again. but oh wells, this helps with your future and not with mine so i have no loss kekeke!

    you sure do have an exciting life.

    :D quite weird - a comp in a bush- i was wondering why you three were just standing there talking and not leaving.

  2. i just reread it again.

    i forgot to add that its funny and amooosing.

    :) a smiley face to show that im not being sarcastic.

  3. Hmmm...it would have been a lot more exciting if it had blown up or something :D
