Monday, April 26, 2010

I have decided...

to convert from Doughnutism to Donutism.
Since always spelling doughnut/donut as 'Doughnut' because I assumed that it was made of dough, I never fully figured out which was the correct spelling. So I went and asked google, but he wasn't much of a help either. Apparently it is acceptable to spell doughnut/donut as "doughnut" or "donut."

And I, being rather stupid, opted for the longer, more difficult "D-O-U-G-H-N-U-T." I just thought donut was another example of the Americans being rebellious ("favorite," "color," "mom") but apparently I was wrong again.

And so on Saturday, after craving doughnuts/donuts for like 3 months, I ate my first doughnut/donut in ages. And if you're wondering why it's been so long since I've eaten one, it's because Emily put some silly notion into mother's head that doughnuts/donuts were the most fattening food on planet earth which resulted in almost 6 months without a single doughnut/donut much to my displeasure, if that's a word.

So it was then, with half a doughnut/donut in my mouth, that I realized that Donut King spells it as "donut." And if they do...then obviously they're correct, yes?

Basically what I'm trying to say is that D-O-N-U-T is my new, correct-er and much better spelling. Doughnut was confusing anyway. I can really imagine someone asking me "why the heck were you eating "Duff-nuts?"" (as in 'ough' in 'enough.')

So yeah. Happy donuts everyone.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Special Google Space

Happy 20th Anniversary, Hubble space telescope.


Hello planet earth.
I've realized that I haven't blogged in a while and I seem to have particularly upset Kendra, so sorry about that. The main reason being was that many month long project Anayalight (ended pretty badly with the last third of it 95% plagiarised) had its deadline drawing closer and closer.

I, especially, am overjoyed to announce it's OVER AND DONE WITH-ness so yes, guess it's time to relive the irrelevancies again.

Anyway, so today was supposed to be one of those happy chappy days when you just have a few things to do and then relax later with a cup of coffee and tub of icecream. Unfortunately, it seems to have turned into one of those movie-worthy days when everything just goes completely off the rail.

Mum and I went to the city to pay a visit to Katmandu (which at the time, I thought it was spelled "Cat man do" - had me thinking what the heck??!!) to see if we could find some warm, lightweight clothes for when I head off to France on exchange at the end of the year (not sure if I mentioned that before. But, well now you know). Emily decided to tag along, for whatever reason. Maybe she heard "city" and "money" and thought "shopping spree."

1) First of all, the parking lot was almost completely full so we had to park up the top somewhere.

We got out, and we were at about 700, Hay Street (the number of the shops, I suppose). So we walk up to about 780 Hay St when

2) Mum announces that she checked Yellow Pages before, and it said Katmandu was located at 89, Hay Street. Which happens to be back the other way. Back the other way by about 700 stores actually.

*thoughts of the amount of walking ahead*
"Mum, are you sure it's at 89?"
"Yes, I'm sure Katmandu's on 89."
"Mum, are you SURE it's at 89 Hay Street?"
"Yes, I'm definitely sure."
"Okay. We have a lot of walking to do."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Vanilla Supreme!

There are a lot of things you can learn from other people's experiences. In this case, I can help you out by suggesting some key things that might be of use in the future:
1. Don't attempt to change a big ceiling light bulb unless you know exactly what you're doing.
2. Don't spray mortein near a light bulb because it might blow up.
3. If you open your window to rid the place of a mysterious smell, make sure you close it when it rains.

If anybody asks, the VANILLA SUPREME icecream lid taped to my bedroom ceiling is not a tribute to Bennys icecream, but rather a device with 2 important purposes.
1. To cover the black hole where the light bulb ought to be.
2. To keep me safe from the huntsman spider family conspiracy that I know is going on up there in the roof even if I can't see it. I hear their pincers at night. I know they're there.
Black and orange luggage tape is my insulation against the arachnids. Let's pray that it works.

The next step is to fill the ceiling with glow in the dark stars and to build a tool that will allow me to switch off my lamp without leaving the bed.

Yes, I'm still here.

Well it's been a while since I last posted. Maybe it's because I've been lazy, maybe because I'm so popular I've been invited to so many places these holidays I've barely had any time to blog (not true) or maybe it's because of a certain book I'm trying to finish by the 23rd April, just over a week away.
I could mention that it's really taken me a lot of guts and determination (officially quoting Shannon from the Biggest Loser) to get here today. Not only did my computer refuse to load for an infuriatingly long time, it also kept confusing blogger with hotmail (how does it even do that?) and stubbornly not loading. So for a long time, I knew that I had 4 junk emails from various websites but no idea whether or not my blog had died.The fact that I have succeeded in making it onto this site is very special. And even now it's being annoyingly slow.

So yes, I guess I was making a point that I'm alive and blogging again.

Oh, and I'm also considering taking a vow of silence.
You know, just for like a day or something. Maybe. I'm sure a lot of people would be grateful if I did (:
If Dwayne Hoover can do it, why not me?
I know. I know. Because he's fictional =_____=