Saturday, April 24, 2010


Hello planet earth.
I've realized that I haven't blogged in a while and I seem to have particularly upset Kendra, so sorry about that. The main reason being was that many month long project Anayalight (ended pretty badly with the last third of it 95% plagiarised) had its deadline drawing closer and closer.

I, especially, am overjoyed to announce it's OVER AND DONE WITH-ness so yes, guess it's time to relive the irrelevancies again.

Anyway, so today was supposed to be one of those happy chappy days when you just have a few things to do and then relax later with a cup of coffee and tub of icecream. Unfortunately, it seems to have turned into one of those movie-worthy days when everything just goes completely off the rail.

Mum and I went to the city to pay a visit to Katmandu (which at the time, I thought it was spelled "Cat man do" - had me thinking what the heck??!!) to see if we could find some warm, lightweight clothes for when I head off to France on exchange at the end of the year (not sure if I mentioned that before. But, well now you know). Emily decided to tag along, for whatever reason. Maybe she heard "city" and "money" and thought "shopping spree."

1) First of all, the parking lot was almost completely full so we had to park up the top somewhere.

We got out, and we were at about 700, Hay Street (the number of the shops, I suppose). So we walk up to about 780 Hay St when

2) Mum announces that she checked Yellow Pages before, and it said Katmandu was located at 89, Hay Street. Which happens to be back the other way. Back the other way by about 700 stores actually.

*thoughts of the amount of walking ahead*
"Mum, are you sure it's at 89?"
"Yes, I'm sure Katmandu's on 89."
"Mum, are you SURE it's at 89 Hay Street?"
"Yes, I'm definitely sure."
"Okay. We have a lot of walking to do."

 3) Somewhere between numbers 500 - 300, the recently healed blisters I acquired from ice skating have been resurrected. Emily moans worse than Moaning Myrtle.

"Oh my gosh, how much walking do we have to do?"
"Seriously, my feet are so sore."
"Hey - WAIT UP!"
"This so better be worth it..."

We pass by some interesting things though. The Kings Perth Hotel, the law courts and some strange brown-purple turd shaped pottery.

Mum says the hotel is haunted. I'm very, very interested, but she refuses to elaborate. I think she mentioned something about dad saying somebody dying and it having a history.

This is where it gets bad.

4) 200. This looks like an industrialized area. The shops are long gone. This doesn't look good.

I must've inhaled enough smoke now to become a human chimney. Smoking's horrid D:

5) This is the end. There is nothing. Where the heck is Katmandu??

We walk another fifty metres and I sit down on the bench. Then I whip out my trusty new mobile like some superhero and search Katmandu on whereis.

6) Where is won't tell me where it is. Where is your brain, Where is??

Luckily, Yellow Pages online has a brain.

7) And that's when I discover that Katmandu is located at 895 Hay street. Yeah, that's right. Back the other way by like 800 stores.

Oh, and it's actually called "Kathmandu"

Now my internet bill has probably sky rocketed.

"Mum, you SAID you knew where it was, you SAID you knew!" - Emily.
"Oh. Well I did see it right. It just means I didn't see the 5 on the end. I thought something was weird." - Mum.

Great. I look forward to the extreme amount of walking we have ahead of us.

8) Emily complains like a maniac. Why won't this kid shut up?

And she walks about 4 metres behind me and mum. Seriously, her legs are longer than my whole body from the shoulders down. She ought to be in the lead by miles. And I'm the one with asthma.

"EUUGHHH. This is all you fault mum. This is all for nothing."

Dude, just be quiet. Nobody asked you to come along.

So we finally get to Kathmandu.

Buy our stuff.

It seems as though all is well for now.

(Sometime while we're driving and I'm randomly checking out our purchases)

Me: "Uh oh."
Mother: "What?"
"This thermo shirt thing? It says 3 for 1"
"3 for 1. I think it means 3 lots for the price one, not 3 shirts in one pack. And you could have bought three for $70, but instead you bought one for $70."
"..............stupid, idiotic counter man."

9) Turns out we've just spent $70 on one shirt, when we could have bought 3 for the same price.

So mum is currently out, gone to go back to the city to yell at the Kathmandu man, I suppose.

My only solace: A Hungry Jacks' bacon double cheeseburger deluxe :P (and they actually remembered to NOT put in any mayonnaise!) This negates the extreme amount of walking exercise I did today, but I don't care.

I googled the Kings Perth Hotel later. I find nothing about it being haunted - but never fear; seeing dad tomorrow. And I'm going to find all the brilliant little details, rest assured :)


  1. Mum reckoned this day was doomed because this morning Leo pooped on the couch. That's right; she thought today was cursed by cat crap. Funny, isn't it?

  2. Huzzah! I have read it.

    Favourite post yet :))
