Sunday, June 27, 2010

And how do you stay warm warm in winter AND ward off muggers?

Answer: Carry around this battery operated pistol designed hair dryer!
I can't even begin to describe how badly I would like one of these...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Politics. A tough, bitter game.

Today, switch on the TV and all you see is JULIA GILLARD. Everywhere, every channel.... Julia Gillard, Australia's new and first female Prime Minister. So sudden, no election, everybody's talking about it at school. WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?

You see, when all the channels froze and switched to "Breaking News," I was playing Fruit Ninja on my uncle's iPhone, blissfully unaware that Kevin Rudd was tearfully stepping down from his role as Prime Minister.

This was going to start as a huge blog about what I thought of the situation, and it was going to be very long and detailed, but it's not going to happen. I still feel empty and a little bit shocked at all that's happened.

How can a party turn against their own leader? First of all, how can they be allowed to do that? It's just cold, hard betrayal. I feel that the labour party has played very unfairly, and I'm not happy about this Julia Gillard: new prime minister scenario. Sure, she seems very in control, focused, determined and sincere, however there's something about her that I can't particularly pinpoint in a justifiable way.
I'm sorry that something like this has happened; when a party would "politically execute", tear down their leader because they think it'll lead them to a higher chance of survival. It just shows how ruthless politics can be, and, I reckon, the lengths that people will go to fufill their own greedy ambitions and desire for power.
People generally regard politicians as "dodgy people," as public figures, and not as human beings. However, I still somehow kept the notion that our own Aussie politicians might have had a little more integrety than to scheme behind their own leader's back, before striking him down from his position. But I was wrong. Turns out our people have a nature every bit the same as everyone else. And I'm just very disappointed.

I've always looked a Kevin Rudd as a kind of weaker character, and still thought that Johhn Howard had more backbone. But I still believe he was a good man, and he's done a pretty decent job overall. The first year was fantastic, and although this year's not been so great...seriously he does not deserve this painful ending to his time as PM. And after that speech and appears that Kevin Rudd actually did have the real guts to be a real Prime Minister after all. I suppose he'll never be elected again.
Mr Rudd...well, I did used to call him Kevin Spud. But, you know, he was a pretty good Prime Minister and I'm sad to see him go like this.

Monday, June 21, 2010

It's official. The technicolor phase has become my favourite song.

In fact, I like it so much, I don't even care that 'technicolor' is spelt incorrectly... and American spelt English almost never fails to irritate me.

I would certainly post it into the music player embed code thingy on this blog, only I don't know how to. So I'm just going to make little old youtube here my pal.

Oh, man. If Adam Young isn't the third most awesome person ever born, I don't know who is.
(With the first being Jesus, and the second being my mother)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The wonders of June

I thought I'd tell everybody that today is REBECCA'S 15th birthday! So Happy Birthday, Becca, hope you have a great day - even if there's an EXAM on it. Think of it as 'birthday luck.' If you don't know Rebecca, then you're a sad kid, but you can find her pretty awesome blog here at The Asian Talks.

Anyway, the thing about June is that there is a whole Owl City album dedicated to June. I finally got my hands on a copy of Maybe I'm Dreaming which I've been coveting for the last seven months or I'm quite ecstatic about that :)

Also, June celebrates the 3rd anniversary of me and blogger. So even though I'm a sad blogger with only 5 followers gathered in 3 years, I would like to thank each and every one of you for making this dream of mine achievable! Of course, I'm being pretty overdramatic here, but really, it's nice to know that SOMEONE out there cares.

Keep reading, and keep on going with your happy chappy lives. I'll still be around in years to come, I should think. And here's a nice cake for you to look at for my anniversary and Bec's birthday:

C-OR-aline. Coraline Jones.

The other day someone said I only blog once a month. Actually, that's not true at all - but I suppose I could post more regularly, however due to the sad lack of feedback I receive it is actually kind of hard to motivate myself into blibbering about nothingness. Yup.

Anyway, I decided to do some REVIEWS. Just because I feel like it. OK, so this post basically goes out to Coraline, my friends. A fantastic story about a girl who feels neglected that journeys through a door in her house to another world - exactly like her own, only better in every way imaginable. Coraline is wowed by this other world, and her "other mother" and "other father," both whom shower her with love and attention! It's a marvellous adventure; until she discovers that all is not as it appears to be.

By the way, Coraline is not scary. Well, no, it might be. I suppose if you are afraid of dolls, and jumping mice, and dopplegangers and 'menacing themes'......... It's a story where the more grown up you are, the scarier it seems, I think. So child yourselves and watch/read it! It gives you the chills, a bit, I reckon. IT'S AWESOME!  It's definitely worth your time, I promise :)

(Following contains quotes and hints, but no actual spoilers)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I'm so excited I can hardly type. The preview for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I has been released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check it out here.
I think I might actually faint from happiness.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Is it possible that I have been outwitted by a search engine?

Dear loyal readers,

I have decided to format this blog as a letter in preparation of my English exam, even though I've already sat the writing and reading exam and only have the viewing (in which the chances of me having to write a letter are pretty slim) left to go, but oh well. I see that I have already made a mistake by not putting 'loyal readers' with capital letters. Only now that I've pointed it out, I can't change it without creating confusion.
Never mind.

What I would really like to complain about is the mysterious case of the vanishing Google.
As you may or may not know, I have a slight semi-obsession for finding 'special googles' and posting them to this blog. So today I tried to get onto Google...only where was it? Google had disappeared! But then when I checked back it was gone! Now what is up with that?
It's a good thing I practice constance vigilance and snapped this snippet of my internet explorer as evidence:

See? Now all I have to do is found out where google went in those missing minutes. Gone for a bathroom break, I suppose.

OH and I wanted you guys to see this too:

I don't know who knows about what knows about me, but anyway, I have a real thing for owls and clocks. So when I saw the above picture picture - the two rolled into one!!!- my eyeballs nearly gauged out and I nearly fainted with jealousy.
That is all.

Yes. That, um, should be it.

wait. I forgot. This is a letter, so...

Yours sincerely,


ps. Yes, I did copy Kendra with the whole making your name big at the end of the post thing. Forgive me :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Welcome back winter once again

Happy June everyone!
I know everyone's saying it...but this year really is going fast! In just 30 days we'll be halfway through the year and celebrating because of the EOFYS! And I still remember being so proud of posting at exactly 12 o'clock midnight on news years' day: "HAPPY NEW YEAR." Well, actually, I was about 9 minutes off as I recall, but oh well, perfection is boring.

Anyway, here I am, studying for exams and such. Well, I'm waiting for a virtual copy of my maths book to download which my friend so kindly sent me since my copy of the maths book has mysteriously vanished just in time for the exam. NOT in the mood to blog, yet I choose to anyway since I've really got nothing else better to do as my mind is currently preoccupied with trivial matters such as the whereabouts of my missing maths book and whether or not I can own a snowglobe without smashing it. Anyway, I thought I'd just write a poem about winter. I suck at poetry, by the way, so don't expect anything great.

Oh wait. My maths book just loaded. Guess I'll just have to... catch you guys later! (c) ~ ycxu
And here's a random picture for your enjoyment.