Thursday, June 24, 2010

Politics. A tough, bitter game.

Today, switch on the TV and all you see is JULIA GILLARD. Everywhere, every channel.... Julia Gillard, Australia's new and first female Prime Minister. So sudden, no election, everybody's talking about it at school. WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?

You see, when all the channels froze and switched to "Breaking News," I was playing Fruit Ninja on my uncle's iPhone, blissfully unaware that Kevin Rudd was tearfully stepping down from his role as Prime Minister.

This was going to start as a huge blog about what I thought of the situation, and it was going to be very long and detailed, but it's not going to happen. I still feel empty and a little bit shocked at all that's happened.

How can a party turn against their own leader? First of all, how can they be allowed to do that? It's just cold, hard betrayal. I feel that the labour party has played very unfairly, and I'm not happy about this Julia Gillard: new prime minister scenario. Sure, she seems very in control, focused, determined and sincere, however there's something about her that I can't particularly pinpoint in a justifiable way.
I'm sorry that something like this has happened; when a party would "politically execute", tear down their leader because they think it'll lead them to a higher chance of survival. It just shows how ruthless politics can be, and, I reckon, the lengths that people will go to fufill their own greedy ambitions and desire for power.
People generally regard politicians as "dodgy people," as public figures, and not as human beings. However, I still somehow kept the notion that our own Aussie politicians might have had a little more integrety than to scheme behind their own leader's back, before striking him down from his position. But I was wrong. Turns out our people have a nature every bit the same as everyone else. And I'm just very disappointed.

I've always looked a Kevin Rudd as a kind of weaker character, and still thought that Johhn Howard had more backbone. But I still believe he was a good man, and he's done a pretty decent job overall. The first year was fantastic, and although this year's not been so great...seriously he does not deserve this painful ending to his time as PM. And after that speech and appears that Kevin Rudd actually did have the real guts to be a real Prime Minister after all. I suppose he'll never be elected again.
Mr Rudd...well, I did used to call him Kevin Spud. But, you know, he was a pretty good Prime Minister and I'm sad to see him go like this.

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