Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Welcome back winter once again

Happy June everyone!
I know everyone's saying it...but this year really is going fast! In just 30 days we'll be halfway through the year and celebrating because of the EOFYS! And I still remember being so proud of posting at exactly 12 o'clock midnight on news years' day: "HAPPY NEW YEAR." Well, actually, I was about 9 minutes off as I recall, but oh well, perfection is boring.

Anyway, here I am, studying for exams and such. Well, I'm waiting for a virtual copy of my maths book to download which my friend so kindly sent me since my copy of the maths book has mysteriously vanished just in time for the exam. NOT in the mood to blog, yet I choose to anyway since I've really got nothing else better to do as my mind is currently preoccupied with trivial matters such as the whereabouts of my missing maths book and whether or not I can own a snowglobe without smashing it. Anyway, I thought I'd just write a poem about winter. I suck at poetry, by the way, so don't expect anything great.

Oh wait. My maths book just loaded. Guess I'll just have to... catch you guys later!

deviantart.com (c) ~ ycxu
And here's a random picture for your enjoyment.

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