Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ruling margins

For a place where we're (HOMOPHONE!... Wow. What a funny word) supposed to be learning things, we waste a surprising amount of time on useless, brainkilling rituals and activities. Let me list some of them:
1. Uniform. As facebook so kindly states - we attend school for an education not a uniform lecture.
2. Greetings: "Good morning class!"
(sing song voices) "Good MORNing Mrs Smith"
Multiply this by the seven or so classes you have a day, then by five days a week, and forty odd weeks a year... (you do the math).
I think teachers must feel insulted by this. Isn't it better to have no greeting at all, than an un-heartfelt, sarcastic automatic reaction from students?
3. Lateness. Okay, so I can understand fifteen minutes... but seriously, three minutes after the bell? That's harsh. You know, I think they're just cranky and in the mood to bust someone.
The list infinitely goes on, however I kindly recognize that half of my readers probably read my blog after school, in which rambling on about school would do nothing to lift their dimly down trodded rained-on spirits.

Just one more thing. MARGINS. You know, those red lines you have to rule on exercise books? Yeah, the other day I realized how useless they are. For those of you who have been mercifully blessed enough not to know what margins are, let me just corrupt your minds:
(Insert dramatic music and loud gasp)
I think ruling them up is a statement, just teacher enforcing tradition. Because in the end, what on earth is the point of a margin? An ugly red line across your page. It wastes paper and pen ink. I mean, think of all the other better things we could be doing with pen ink. Like, grafitiing (grafitying?) Wait, that's a different word. Yeah, I just discovered that I can't spell the verb grafiti without writing "gratifying". Okay. Like, GRAFITI-ing. Ha ha ha. Only kidding.
... Why do I just feel like the joke was lost?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The mobile blogger!

So some couple of months after getting me hands on a shiny new mobile (NOKIAs, chyeah! As a friend of mine once said, you can fight wars with these indestructable little gadgets) I wondered what would happen if I tried to blog from it. It would sure spell the end of the long, awkward fortnitely silences between posts.
Anyway, though I'm not a phone fanatic (why text when you can freely use msn? Although when you look at your internet bill, that isn't exactly what you'd call free. I just say it is because I don't have to pay for the net bill. On the other hand, I don't pay for my phone bill either... Thanks, mum!) I'm really quite fond of my sidekick. By sidekick, I mean, like, companion. Not the phone brand. Err, is there a phone brand 'Sidekick' anyway? Because if there isn't, there ought to be. As I think I was saying... I like my mobile. It's a writer-friendly phone. I am forever indebted to NOKIA... And the nice man at Crazy Johns.
By the way, sorry if I repeat myself. The screen is kind of skinny, and I'm not much of a scroller, so I can only read back around 8 lines.
So here it is. My very first 100% authentic mobile blog. I wonder how much it's going to cost. You followers had better all feast your eyes and appreciate this post. It could be worth a couple of dollars.
And with all said and done, I'm going to excitedly attempt to post this... And go off to eat KFC. Oh, yeah.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Reganitfecken Revolution!

So the other day in economics, Cindy and I were doing some bad things. By which I mean we were searching our blogs on the internet whilst we were supposed to be doing some boring number statistics calculating thing on Microsoft Excel. It was then that I hit my last year's blog, Random Blah Blahs, and was filled with nostalgic longing and really realized that I have somewhat lost the will and ability to actually blog properly, randomly, uselessly and that my current blog is starting to disintegrate into a filthy waste of cyberspace (assonance!). So, anyway, what I'm getting at is that I'm going to recapulate (is that a word) the randomness and ludricosity (is that a word too?) of what this blog was originally intended to have.
Yup. And how better to do that than by rattling off about...

Cool words!
 These words are some of my favourites. They sound cool when you say them over and over again, they sound cool when you use them in long sentences, they sound cool when you use them as one word answers, they sound cool when you want to insult someone, and they are perfect for filling in awkward silences:
Angst, Nostalgia, Malk (pronounced "Malk" not "Molk"), Leopluradon, Subwoofa, Smorgusbord, Serendipity, Phalanges, Aish!, Antisocial, Specificity, Czechoslovakia (which, although no longer exists - we were forced to spell it in year five thanks to some overly intelligent smart alec), Expelliarmus, Schmuck, Robust, Barf, Dabble, Brandish, Nooble, Exoskeleton, Muffalated, Qwertylope, Munted...
...and so much more...
When you're feeling particularly risky, bored or wanting to sound intelligent - try using all of them in one, long sentence. This is a great idea when you're at a fancy function or party such as your lousy relative's wedding reception.

And, to wrap up today's lovely session, I drew a picture on paint!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Sorry, my English assignment still isn't done yet. I've just gotten caught up in so many other things... but... I have some highly amusing news! You've probably already heard it....but....oh well, here it is anyway:

Jet Blue flight attendant, Steven Slater, 39, dramatically resigned after a row with a passenger by activating the emergency slide and sliding down it, beer in hand, at New York's JFK airport. A passenger had tried to open the overhead compartment before being instructed to by the cabin crew. Slater reprimanded the passenger after a piece of luggage reportedly landed on him and a row ensued, according to eye witnesses. Slater then proceeded to announce his immediate resignation using the on-board PA system.

Passenger Philip Catelinet said Slater announced 'To the passenger who called me a **Bad Words**. I’ve been in this business 28 years. And that’s it, I’m done.’
He then grabbed at least one beer, activated the slide, went down it and ran to his car. Slater was arrested some time later at his New York state home and charged with criminal mischief, reckless endangerment and trespassing.

Poor guy. Must've been a build up of stress and bad day syndrome before he finally cracked it.
All I can say.....is that I wish I'd been there.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Oh, wow. 2010 is eight months old? Congratulations!

I know. I am a lousy blogger :o
But I'll come with something good after I kill my To Kill a Mockingbird English assignment.

In the mean time, GO WATCH INCEPTION!
I saw it yesterday, and wow... one of the best movies I've seen.
Just do yourself a favour and head to the movies. Like, now.

And by the way... what's happened to Google imgages? It's, ah...updated? Ha. It's different.
Oh, and Happy August.