Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Reganitfecken Revolution!

So the other day in economics, Cindy and I were doing some bad things. By which I mean we were searching our blogs on the internet whilst we were supposed to be doing some boring number statistics calculating thing on Microsoft Excel. It was then that I hit my last year's blog, Random Blah Blahs, and was filled with nostalgic longing and really realized that I have somewhat lost the will and ability to actually blog properly, randomly, uselessly and that my current blog is starting to disintegrate into a filthy waste of cyberspace (assonance!). So, anyway, what I'm getting at is that I'm going to recapulate (is that a word) the randomness and ludricosity (is that a word too?) of what this blog was originally intended to have.
Yup. And how better to do that than by rattling off about...

Cool words!
 These words are some of my favourites. They sound cool when you say them over and over again, they sound cool when you use them in long sentences, they sound cool when you use them as one word answers, they sound cool when you want to insult someone, and they are perfect for filling in awkward silences:
Angst, Nostalgia, Malk (pronounced "Malk" not "Molk"), Leopluradon, Subwoofa, Smorgusbord, Serendipity, Phalanges, Aish!, Antisocial, Specificity, Czechoslovakia (which, although no longer exists - we were forced to spell it in year five thanks to some overly intelligent smart alec), Expelliarmus, Schmuck, Robust, Barf, Dabble, Brandish, Nooble, Exoskeleton, Muffalated, Qwertylope, Munted...
...and so much more...
When you're feeling particularly risky, bored or wanting to sound intelligent - try using all of them in one, long sentence. This is a great idea when you're at a fancy function or party such as your lousy relative's wedding reception.

And, to wrap up today's lovely session, I drew a picture on paint!



  1. Most epic-est picture ive ever seen. beats that mustroom pic anyday

  2. Why thank you. I'm glad you like it :D
