Thursday, September 30, 2010

Broadcast One Trailer

So what do we get up to on the holidays?
Absolutely no good at all.

Started February 2010 and finished on April 16th 2010, this broadcast is Universal Yeti's first (completed) project. Thoroughly pointless and irrelevant to anything in particular, I'm not sure if I want to disclose the entire broadcast (filled with funny and somewhat embarassing content), however here is the trailer for your enjoyment :)
The universe's most skilled news reporting team come together for an evening of action packed news. Including top stories - Thelma the Third the devious bandit, the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows trailer, what mobile phones really do to children's brains and the discovery of a rare alien species.
Harris and Bob-ette at the news desk, with Emm on living reporting. Featuring Sexy Peas with the sports update and AC Pony with the weather forecast.
This was made with an ordinary digital camera, but I think you'd be pleased to know that we've secured an actual video camera since then.

Music belongs to Sky News
All Harry Potter characters and music and story belong to JK Rowling and Warner Brothers
Music at the end belongs to Boys Before Flowers OST
No copyrite infringments intended.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How to vanquish procrastination

1. Get yourself the biggest sized piece of paper possible. Canvas or cardboard is preferable and more permanent, but seeing as we all don't have access to art sheds, paper will do.
2. Write PROCRASTINATAURUS REX or PROCRASTINATRON on top of the page in HUGE BLOCK LETTERS. Grafiti-style, if you can do it. It makes it look more edgy and irritating.
3. Underneath the title, get creative and draw yourself the biggest, ugliest, most hideously deformed and scary monster you can possible imagine.
4. Stick it somewhere you can always see it from where you study. The wall next to your desk, for example.
Now, the fun begins. For every five minutes you give in to distraction/procrastination you add another ugly feature to the monster. A wart, another eye, another wing. For every five minutes you defeat procrastination, you draw a nice sword sticking out of him. Keep this game up until either
a) While adding extra features onto the monster for every time you give in to procrastination, the thing becomes so huge it literally runs off the page and terrorizes your room. And you lose.
b) It's got enough (say...40? he he) little swords sticking out of it to kill it. This means you have defeated Mr Procrastination monster (for the time being) and you can now rip the hideous eyesore from your wall.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blueback Spider

Hmm. It just occured to me that my oldest blog entry was about the very first time I tampered with the art of hair colourants. Less of a vanity thing and more of a boredom versus change thing. Mahogany and dark brown with copper highlights, if I recall correctly. A year and a half is really not a long time ago, but it's a long enough time span for a girl's hair to get chopped, sizzled and burned, as my brother would say. And what he means by that is that said hair has undergone vigorous haircuts, being slathered with bleaching agents and lit on fire (that last one was an accident). Though, last time it actually turned out alright.
This time, the colour of choice is blue black. For all of the mundanely unobservant people out there, no you probably won't be able to tell the difference between black and blue black. But, ah. For those who never noticed, my hair is actually brown black. A wussy black, you can say. I would like a strong, blueish tinge super cool jet black, please. And fries and coke too, while you're at it.
Well, here I am now again. It feels so deja vu-ey just sitting here with a patch of oddly coloured skin on the inside of my elbow (you know that crook in you arm when your skin feels all soft and nice?). Yeah, I decided to do the allergy test. You know, just in case I don't and then my whole face swells up and pops and I explode. I'm not really sure what's supposed to happen, though. All I know is that when I put the stuff on, it was yellow and now it's blacky bluey purple. Like I've just had the world's most unsuccessful blood test.
I take it that if my arm falls off, that's a sure sign of a bad reaction. It probably doesn't help that I'm listening to Lenka's trouble is a friend ("Trouble, he will find you no matter where you go, Oh Oh").
It's become somewhat of a tradition now to blog about hair dyeing, I suppose. There really is nothing better to do when you're sitting around unable to get anything on your arm and you smell like toilet bleach.
Yes, well. Shall tell how it goes.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Before you read, if you're one of those people who frown upon yellow
Yes. That's all. Food for thought.
I like the colour yellow. It's bright. And cheery. And it's my favourite colour.
I know I said red was my favourite colour, but I changed my mind; it's yellow.
Actually, before red became my favourite colour, my favourite colour was yellow.
So you can say that yellow is my official long-lasting favourite colour.
Oh, but in my pre-primary scrapbook I listed my favourite colour as red.
Yeah, so technically red was favourited first.
But, whatever man, because you shouldn't let the past hold you back. If I want my favourite colour to be yellow, my favourite colour's not going to be purple. It's going to be yellow.
Because I like yellow. A lot.
As you can see, I hereby type in yellow. It's getting kind of hard to see what I'm writing. I hope my blog layout background is dark. I can't remember.
Just think of all the cool stuff that's yellow.
Yellow canaries. Yellow flowers. Yellow sun. Yellow glue stick. Yellow cheese.

Yeah, that's right. Yellow rocks.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Le Pont

Hmm. Well, I just thought I'd take a vacation from my prolonged bloggitory absence and say that I've grown increasingly fond of bridges lately.
Not only do they provide handy shortcuts across busy roads, raging waters filled with crocodiles and the perfect place to escape off to inside your mind during times of intense pain, they are rather nice to look at.

 (Check it out! A bridge AND tunnel rolled into one! It'd be so much better underwater with sharks and stingrays battling out all around it though.)

 Ah. My favourite.

I'm considering building a bridge out of LEGO from my bed to my bookshelf so I don't have to get off my bed when I want to grab a book. I just have to find out if it'll support my weight first.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


It amuses me how much Tinkerbell merchandise, DVD's, dolls and such are sold to little kids these days. Apparently most of them haven't seen the old Peter Pan movie, otherwise they'd know that little ol' Tink isn't exactly the best role model for girls around. I mean, not only is she overly concerned with superficial appearance (somewhere at the beginning of the movie where she is obessively checking out her reflection), she's possibly the most jealous creature ever to feature in a Disney movie - she TRIED TO KILL WENDY! (Do you remember? "Shoot the Wendy bird!")
And now she's all glamming up in her pom pom shoes with her little fairy friends, dancing around screen like she's the happiest, sweetest little pixie you'll ever see.