Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blueback Spider

Hmm. It just occured to me that my oldest blog entry was about the very first time I tampered with the art of hair colourants. Less of a vanity thing and more of a boredom versus change thing. Mahogany and dark brown with copper highlights, if I recall correctly. A year and a half is really not a long time ago, but it's a long enough time span for a girl's hair to get chopped, sizzled and burned, as my brother would say. And what he means by that is that said hair has undergone vigorous haircuts, being slathered with bleaching agents and lit on fire (that last one was an accident). Though, last time it actually turned out alright.
This time, the colour of choice is blue black. For all of the mundanely unobservant people out there, no you probably won't be able to tell the difference between black and blue black. But, ah. For those who never noticed, my hair is actually brown black. A wussy black, you can say. I would like a strong, blueish tinge super cool jet black, please. And fries and coke too, while you're at it.
Well, here I am now again. It feels so deja vu-ey just sitting here with a patch of oddly coloured skin on the inside of my elbow (you know that crook in you arm when your skin feels all soft and nice?). Yeah, I decided to do the allergy test. You know, just in case I don't and then my whole face swells up and pops and I explode. I'm not really sure what's supposed to happen, though. All I know is that when I put the stuff on, it was yellow and now it's blacky bluey purple. Like I've just had the world's most unsuccessful blood test.
I take it that if my arm falls off, that's a sure sign of a bad reaction. It probably doesn't help that I'm listening to Lenka's trouble is a friend ("Trouble, he will find you no matter where you go, Oh Oh").
It's become somewhat of a tradition now to blog about hair dyeing, I suppose. There really is nothing better to do when you're sitting around unable to get anything on your arm and you smell like toilet bleach.
Yes, well. Shall tell how it goes.

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