Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How to vanquish procrastination

1. Get yourself the biggest sized piece of paper possible. Canvas or cardboard is preferable and more permanent, but seeing as we all don't have access to art sheds, paper will do.
2. Write PROCRASTINATAURUS REX or PROCRASTINATRON on top of the page in HUGE BLOCK LETTERS. Grafiti-style, if you can do it. It makes it look more edgy and irritating.
3. Underneath the title, get creative and draw yourself the biggest, ugliest, most hideously deformed and scary monster you can possible imagine.
4. Stick it somewhere you can always see it from where you study. The wall next to your desk, for example.
Now, the fun begins. For every five minutes you give in to distraction/procrastination you add another ugly feature to the monster. A wart, another eye, another wing. For every five minutes you defeat procrastination, you draw a nice sword sticking out of him. Keep this game up until either
a) While adding extra features onto the monster for every time you give in to procrastination, the thing becomes so huge it literally runs off the page and terrorizes your room. And you lose.
b) It's got enough (say...40? he he) little swords sticking out of it to kill it. This means you have defeated Mr Procrastination monster (for the time being) and you can now rip the hideous eyesore from your wall.


  1. WOW.
    this so relates to my life.
    hehe, I am actually going to try it :D

  2. Ahahaha, this is awesome.
    Have you tried it?
    I think I'd probably spend too much time drawing it, because I'm a perfectionist T___T

  3. Becca: YAY! I'm so glad you can relate. I had hoped it might be somehow useful to us unfortunate students :)
    Kirk: I will not admit to giving advice before actually having a go at it myself -.-
