Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I always thought it was "Ex-Eye-Lo-Phone" but no, the correct pronounciation of Xylophone is "Zi-lo-phone" So really, how on earth does the X make a 'z' sound? I mean, what kind of idiot invents a word and then places X as its starting letter? At least X-ray is pronounced "ex-ray." Sheesh, I just hate being corrected for pronouncing Xylophone wrong every time I say it. Now I'll probably start avoiding using the word altogether and referring to it as 'metal piano you hit with a stick.' Now, doesn't that sound classy? --______--

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Aussie Aussie Aussie


I hope you all sincerely enjoy this public holiday as remembrance of the day of Australia's federation. The six states joining together as one for reasons which include Defence, Immigration, Economy and Nationalism (thanks Mr W), and no I did not look at my SOSE notes just then. Isn't it absolutely fascinating? o.O

Well, I don't know if today's the day to be all Aussie and all, but I must be one of the lousiest Australians in Australia since I'm not even bothering to move my bum out of the house to go to the fireworks or anything. I've seen the fireworks before around six or seven times... kind of over it now. The Royal Show ones are better (though I'm not really into the royal show either).

And what kind of public holiday is this if my mum won't even let me skip out on music practice? (like she does on Christmas and my birthday) Come on...if you think about it, without federation, WA might have been attacked and invaded by NSW or something, and all the WA people would have been massacred, and we wouldn't be here to enjoy Australia day today. So really, I should be able to take a break and celebrate life in WA Australia, and being thankful that federation prevented an invasion and massacre from NSW. Unfortunately, mum doesn't quite see things this way :/

Don't you just love how google always changes on a special day?

And, just for fun, I google imaged "aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi." This picture was the first result:


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ring Ring

I'd never actually noticed how extravangant their outfits were. The more you watch, the more you want to cringe/wring the neck of their stylist. I am convinced that Cape Man With the Dog Collar's (wait, they all have dog collars. Sheesh, at least the backup people look slightly normal) star guitar is actually a transformer. I could just so imagine that turning into one of those Decepticon things and just blowing everything up. >.>

Thursday, January 21, 2010

10 word movie reviews

The following may or may not contain information/spoilers about the following movies: New Moon, Sherlock Holmes, Did Hear About the Morgans?, Avatar, The Princess and the Frog and Tooth Fairy. Unless you're a selfcontrol-less need to know the ending, always flipping to the last page of the book to see what happens type, then just don't read if you haven't seen the movie. Otherwise, please do. ^__^
Just for fun, I decided to sum up all the movies I saw at the cinemas these holidays in exactly 10 words...(yes, I am bored)

1. New Moon
Sucked Almost Died Watching Hate Twilight Saga Die Twilight Die!

Rating: 0.5/5 (I gave that half star star only because I liked the part where Edward was getting beaten up Volturi, when Bella, Mike and Jake went to the cinema and I enjoyed listening to the movie that they were watching ^^ and because I like Dakota Fanning)

Awarded 6th place

2. Sherlock Holmes
Radical Awesome Movie Want To See Again Very Cleverly Done (:

Rating: 5/5 (Really just couldn't fault it; it was so brilliantly brilliant, exciting and funny)

Awarded 1st place

3. Did You Hear About the Morgans?
Funny But Of Course They'd End Up Together Predictable Much?

Rating: 3.5/5 (Very easy to know what was going to happen next, but still it was very funny and I enjoyed watching it a lot)

Awarded 4th place

4. Avatar
Absolutely Amazing To Watch I Stole The 3d Glasses Afterwards ;)

Rating: 5/5 (Pandora, the Na' that what they were called? The tree...everything was just so beautifully done and neon glowing things are just awesome. 3d was spectacular o.o and it didn't even feel like 3 hours, the movie was just so great)

Awarded 2nd place

5. The Princess and the Frog
Another Wonderful Disney Cartoon Loved It Beautiful Story and Animation
Rating: 4.5/5 (I am a sucker for a lot of the Disney cartoons, and this would have to be one of my favourites. I just didn't like it when the firefly died :'( But the movie was awesome)

Awarded 3rd place

6. Tooth Fairy
What The Hecks Is A Wrestler Doing Making Children's Movies?

Rating: 3/5 (Another one of those corny "you must believe in yourself!" type movies, but it was pretty funny.)

Awarded 5th place

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Help the Hungry!

I found a site where you can answer questions and build your knowledge - while you earn 10 grains of rice for hungry people for every question you answer (money for rice and such provided by the companies who sponser free rice to advertise on the site). It's even helped improve some of my French hohohohoh.


Today I decided to keep up with modern society. I joined eBay.

(wow. that was so short I might as well have used Twitter. Not that I use that useless, stalkerish waste of cyberspace : )

**I always thought eBay was like an online auction, but it turns out you can buy stuff without bidding for it? That Buy it Now thing?? Or am I completely wrong?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Very Irritating and Pointless Existence of Flies, Vultures and All the Things in Between

Flies. Seriously, and especially in Australia where they seem everywhere and tend to follow you around a lot which they don't in other countries (this is just me hearing from other people from around the place talk - generally I don't even notice the flies here unless there are suddenly a lot more than usual), they bummer people out, fly up people's noses, contaminate food, spread diseases, ruin the landscape with their hideous buzzing and bug eyes and just raise that question: Why the heck do flies exist? Please, is there any relevance to their existence, at all?

And spiders? I am scared of spiders. I'm not scared of other creepy crawlies (I just don't like them) but I really really can't stand spiders. I don't like dead spiders corpses either, or the smell of Mortein/Baygon which reminds me of spiders so I usually, stupidly and like a coward :(, box the spiders in a container and chuck them in the outside bin rather than splat them or spray them. It's cruel and unnecessary, but then I never said I was a friend to the 8 legged freaks of nature. Aaargh. Not that I minded Aragog or that giant spider thing in the Lord of the Rings: return of the King. Because they were on TV, which, as you know, isn't the same as the live thing even though it's x10000 the size. But anyway, back to the point of pointless existences: spiders have no point to life either! Sure, they spin webs. But apart from getting people freaked out and caught up in those sticky menaces, what are the webs for? That's right: catching flies. People say that we need spiders, even though they're ghastly, because they rid the possibility of flies overrunning the universe by overpopulation (ha, yeah right, I'd pay to see that happen).
...Oh yeah, and I put a cartoon spider picture on here so I wouldn't scare anybody with a picture of the real thing ;) It has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that I might alarm myself with the picture if I ever check back on my blog.

But then if the spider's only useful contribution to the world is that they get rid of flies, and the only contribution flies make are to feed the spiders: and both flies and spiders are considered horrible, crawly/flyee disgusting critters; then wouldn't it be better just to not have either of them? I think we could live fine in a world without spiders and flies. I know it would really make my day if they vanished off the face of the Earth for just 24 hours.

I know, I know, people will say that spiders are also part of the food chain.
But when you think about it more carefully, the things that eat spiders are birds: like, magpies, crows and seagulls.None of these birds are attractive, well liked, or even endangered in anyway.

Magpies swoop, scare and can potentially injure (eg. pull out your hair or peck out your eyes) people, and they steal shiny objects.

Crows are always a "bad omen" like in books and movies and stuff. Gosh man, they're so ugly and their crowing sound "craawwkk" is hideous. It gives you the creeps and makes you think that there's going to be some sort of undead evil reanimated corpse coming after you...(okay, not really. But still, I always found that crow crowing always makes you feel a little on edge...right?)

And Seagulls. Well, they just poop everywhere, annoy you and steal your picnic/beach food. Everybody hates seagulls.

So with that said, I think that we could do away with all flies, spiders, magpies, crows and seagulls. And don't say that other birds eat spiders too, because they don't. I'm saying now that all the cute little birds like robins and canaries eat earth worms, which are highly beneficial to soil. And eagles eat mice, so really, worrying about other birds dying out isn't a problem.

That is to say, that isn't a problem unless you point out that magpies, crows and seagulls are actually part of the food chain as well. But here's where you hit a dead end. Because what's most likely to eat a magpie/crow/seagull? Err, yep, that's right: a Vulture. Euuchie, that's right, that ugly bird in ice age 2 which was cruelly waiting for all of the animals to die so it could eat their carcasses >.<>
So now, here is why flies, spiders, magpies, crows, seagulls and Vultures really have nothing to offer our planet except to get on humans' negative side and to eat each other, so really we could do without all of them (:
And you guys had all really better appreciate this post, because uploading the pictures took AGES. And the crow picture somehow deleted itself, but i'm okay with that, because as I already said, they kind of give you the creeps anyway ;)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Owl City

Well, I just wanted to say, that even though that song "fireflies" drives a lot of people nuts, I love it. And that ever since I started listening to Owl City songs I think I've developed some kind of half-obsession that I'm actually going to go buy his cd because I feel guilty about stealing his music and free downloading it off the internet...

and even though it's probably just my own weird brain playing tricks on me, when I listen to his songs on my iPod, it helps me go to sleep. Or I think it does anyway. Funny that Adam Young makes music as a result of insomnia, isn't it?

Well, all in all, I've made an awesome discovery this year, and that is Owl City ^___^

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mosquito Bites

I have two small bites; one near my elbow, and one at the top of my arm. Most likely that I got them while we went out crabbing on Monday with Dad. I know I shouldn't be complaining when Em got like a million giant bites, but still. We were out in Mandurah, so I guess the foreign mozzies there obviously don't know the rules when it comes to biting me. Mosquitoes never bite me. They just usually don't. I think it's because I have sour tasting/smelling blood and may or may not have Thalassaemia. So normally I don't even have to bother with the cream or Aeroguard (eww, I'd never use that stuff >.< ). So now I'm really hating on that/those mosquito's guts for trying to suck by blood out like a mini vampire/leech. Ahh well, if it's any consolations to myself - there's got to be a reason mozzies usually avoid me. Haha, I'd bet that my blood is poisonous. I hope that Mandurah Mosquito died a very slow and painful death after sucking out my arm-blood (:

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The old address

WOW o.o
I just discovered I have 1006 unread emails and 10 unopened junk mails in my old email account. Hmmmm...what the heck, I've already told people to stop sending, but looks like they haven't gotten the message yet.

Wake up in the Morning

Wow, usually my brain shuts off completely on the holidays, but now I think this is a pretty good idea. I have discovered a simple and somewhat successful method of waking up by alarm in the mornings and not just hitting snooze 50, 000 times and getting up and hour later:
All you do is stick your alarm clock as furthest away possible from your bed as you can and set it. That way, when it goes off, you'll be forced to get out of bed to switch it off. Unless you're one of those really sleep desperate people who'd leap out of bed, hit off snooze and then jump back into bed this should work ok. I always thought that the most common problem was just dangling your arm over the side of the bed to turn off the alarm, and this, making you get out, beats it.
I mean, it worked for me: here I am, six something am in the morning, bursting to share my success with you all! Heh heh heh (:
Oh, and this works best if you've one of those alarms that get louder and LOUDER if you don't switch them off right away. && also; if you have a normal clock (and by that, I mean a non digital clock - the one with the hands and numbers --> is that called an analogue clock?), when you put it further away then the annoying ticking noise of the second hand is further away, and less noise means a better night's sleep ^_____^ Wait, unless you're one of those people who find rhythmic noises like clock ticking theraputic and they actually help you fall asleep, but whatever, let's not go into specifics.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Why yes, I am available

I always wonder why MSN shows the 'green' people as Available as opposed to Online.
What? Is it like some kind of dating service now or something?

Commercials these days

GAH. CAN I NOT LISTEN TO THE RADIO and not hear that Lisa Fernadez was born in perth, grew up in Mt Lawley, likes to hang around Cottesloe and recently just had a baby girl (that is a lot less whiney than those two) and that she'll be joining Basil and Sam Mac in the breakfast show 92.9 starting January 13th??!!
Seriously, people are going to sick of her before she even starts going on air.

And as for the Neighbours 2010, I can practically recite half of it by heart.
"For 30 years, he's been Ramsay Street's bad boy"
(ok, so I forgot this next part)
"I'm Andrew. I'm you son."
"he's cute..he's (I forgot)... but when it comes to nature
In 2010..nothing will prepare you. For you newest neighbour.

Pfftt...I only hear this commercial about 3 times a commercial break =___=

Sunday, January 3, 2010


The other day, my mother made an unusual discovery: The oven which we assumed was broken and therefore did not use for almost two years was in perfect working order!!

I mean: what. the. heck??
We haven't eaten anything baked since 2007.... all for nothing?
I mean sure, we had the snack grill oven thing we borrowed off the Chans but seriously, the only thing we could make in there were spuds and cheezies. You try sticking a full roast pork in a box the size of a tissue box. What were we supposed to do? Cut it up into a hundred bits and cook them one by one?

And then the other day when I was doing my piano practice, mum suddenly announces the oven WORKS.

Let me tell you this: broken contraptions don't magically start working by themselves, and I don't think magical elves came in the middle of the night to fix it either. I am of the opinion that the oven was working the entire time, and we were so stupid we've been living off steamed and fried stuff the entire time when we had an oven that was fine all along.
Mum keeps making excuses about fumes and electrical short circuits, but what it really boils down to is that I'm really right and she just won't admit it :)
I mean: unless it was working all along, what are the chances that it just sudenly un-broke itself and started working again? If that was the case, then why don't we all go to sleep and wake up. That way tomorrow, maybe our broken dishwasher, busted gate, faulty garage door and all the stuffed up light wiring in our house will magically repair itself too! (I think not -____-)

So, I just thought the whole situation was rather, really extremely stupid.

This morning we had cripsy oven baked bread :) hohohoho. It tasted good :D

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Toilight Paper



Really, new years' (now does that comma go before or after the s?) resolutions are such a waste of time and energy and all they do is make you feel guilty when you break them. I guess some hundred year old knob just decided to start the trend of New Year Resolutions to try and make this more often than not stuffed up world a better place... or to relieve himself of being some lazy selfish individual. But they're really not worth the trouble. But, heck, despite the fact that I'm going to end up not following them through, I've decided to come up with some New Year's Resolutions anyway.

1. The words 'food' and 'chocolate' will no longer appeal to me. I will no more turn my head or feel hungry when I hear these words any more than I would if I heard 'cardboard glue' or 'pan fried fungi.' I have to lose those extra kilos wii fit keeps reminding me I've put on, otherwise mum will force me to do squad (aargh!). I will not stuff my face like an inhuman pig. I will stop binge eating. I am not Cindy. (I'm joking, Cindy, I'm joking! ^^) The truth being I am not lucky enough to be Cindy and have such a fast metabolism that I can eat all I want without facing the consequences. I must break this habit this year. Chocolate is evil. EVIL, I say -__-

2. I will proof read my blog entries before posting them to eliminate as many typos as I can because they probably annoy all my readers (and by readers, I mean the five or so people who might check up on my blog a few times a year :/). Also I will post pictures, because people seem to like them, and I'll try to blog more regularly. Once a week, at the very least.

3. I will keep my room clean. I WILL I WILL I WILL. By sheer determination, before I go to bed every Sunday, if my room is not spotless, swept and perfectly tidy, I will jump out of the window. Not that jumping would really make much difference since the window's about a metre off the ground (like, unless I get bitten by snake or something. But, with a jungle like, dead, perfect-place-for-snakes-to-hide garden like ours - what are the chances?) Mum said I can have a pet fish if I can keep my room clean for one year. So, hopefully, December 24 2010, it will have stayed clean (not likely -____-) She didn't think I could do it. I must prove her wrong. And I want that fish. I want 2 siamese fighting fish and watch them eat each other up, hohoho -__-

4. I will study for upcoming tests this year. Year ten should be getting serious, and there will be no more slacking off right-before-the-rest-scan-of-Jang's-notes anymore. Time to work :/

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy 2010 Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!