Saturday, January 2, 2010


Really, new years' (now does that comma go before or after the s?) resolutions are such a waste of time and energy and all they do is make you feel guilty when you break them. I guess some hundred year old knob just decided to start the trend of New Year Resolutions to try and make this more often than not stuffed up world a better place... or to relieve himself of being some lazy selfish individual. But they're really not worth the trouble. But, heck, despite the fact that I'm going to end up not following them through, I've decided to come up with some New Year's Resolutions anyway.

1. The words 'food' and 'chocolate' will no longer appeal to me. I will no more turn my head or feel hungry when I hear these words any more than I would if I heard 'cardboard glue' or 'pan fried fungi.' I have to lose those extra kilos wii fit keeps reminding me I've put on, otherwise mum will force me to do squad (aargh!). I will not stuff my face like an inhuman pig. I will stop binge eating. I am not Cindy. (I'm joking, Cindy, I'm joking! ^^) The truth being I am not lucky enough to be Cindy and have such a fast metabolism that I can eat all I want without facing the consequences. I must break this habit this year. Chocolate is evil. EVIL, I say -__-

2. I will proof read my blog entries before posting them to eliminate as many typos as I can because they probably annoy all my readers (and by readers, I mean the five or so people who might check up on my blog a few times a year :/). Also I will post pictures, because people seem to like them, and I'll try to blog more regularly. Once a week, at the very least.

3. I will keep my room clean. I WILL I WILL I WILL. By sheer determination, before I go to bed every Sunday, if my room is not spotless, swept and perfectly tidy, I will jump out of the window. Not that jumping would really make much difference since the window's about a metre off the ground (like, unless I get bitten by snake or something. But, with a jungle like, dead, perfect-place-for-snakes-to-hide garden like ours - what are the chances?) Mum said I can have a pet fish if I can keep my room clean for one year. So, hopefully, December 24 2010, it will have stayed clean (not likely -____-) She didn't think I could do it. I must prove her wrong. And I want that fish. I want 2 siamese fighting fish and watch them eat each other up, hohoho -__-

4. I will study for upcoming tests this year. Year ten should be getting serious, and there will be no more slacking off right-before-the-rest-scan-of-Jang's-notes anymore. Time to work :/

1 comment:

  1. ....just like I knew it would happen, all four of these resolutions have been broken. I'm pathetic =____=
