Thursday, January 21, 2010

10 word movie reviews

The following may or may not contain information/spoilers about the following movies: New Moon, Sherlock Holmes, Did Hear About the Morgans?, Avatar, The Princess and the Frog and Tooth Fairy. Unless you're a selfcontrol-less need to know the ending, always flipping to the last page of the book to see what happens type, then just don't read if you haven't seen the movie. Otherwise, please do. ^__^
Just for fun, I decided to sum up all the movies I saw at the cinemas these holidays in exactly 10 words...(yes, I am bored)

1. New Moon
Sucked Almost Died Watching Hate Twilight Saga Die Twilight Die!

Rating: 0.5/5 (I gave that half star star only because I liked the part where Edward was getting beaten up Volturi, when Bella, Mike and Jake went to the cinema and I enjoyed listening to the movie that they were watching ^^ and because I like Dakota Fanning)

Awarded 6th place

2. Sherlock Holmes
Radical Awesome Movie Want To See Again Very Cleverly Done (:

Rating: 5/5 (Really just couldn't fault it; it was so brilliantly brilliant, exciting and funny)

Awarded 1st place

3. Did You Hear About the Morgans?
Funny But Of Course They'd End Up Together Predictable Much?

Rating: 3.5/5 (Very easy to know what was going to happen next, but still it was very funny and I enjoyed watching it a lot)

Awarded 4th place

4. Avatar
Absolutely Amazing To Watch I Stole The 3d Glasses Afterwards ;)

Rating: 5/5 (Pandora, the Na' that what they were called? The tree...everything was just so beautifully done and neon glowing things are just awesome. 3d was spectacular o.o and it didn't even feel like 3 hours, the movie was just so great)

Awarded 2nd place

5. The Princess and the Frog
Another Wonderful Disney Cartoon Loved It Beautiful Story and Animation
Rating: 4.5/5 (I am a sucker for a lot of the Disney cartoons, and this would have to be one of my favourites. I just didn't like it when the firefly died :'( But the movie was awesome)

Awarded 3rd place

6. Tooth Fairy
What The Hecks Is A Wrestler Doing Making Children's Movies?

Rating: 3/5 (Another one of those corny "you must believe in yourself!" type movies, but it was pretty funny.)

Awarded 5th place


  1. i wanna watch the princess and the frog now :D

    i do agree that sherlock holmes should be awarded 1st place :D i did also love AVATAR but it was predictable :/ and somewhat reminded me of a walt disney cartoon where the exact same thing happens (ARGHH,, cant rememberthe name) and pochinaoldlhf (dunno how to spell it) wasnt very original but still loved it, agree that it didnt feel like 3 hours cause it was so awesome!!!....

    but SHERLOCK HOLMES well i thought it was magic all the way through and i thought rachel and him would go together but they didnt and i loved the ending hohoho "case reopened!"


  2. pochahontas and atlantis: the lost empire!!!!!!!

  3. BAHAHAHAH've no idea how long I was laughing at that xD
