Sunday, January 3, 2010


The other day, my mother made an unusual discovery: The oven which we assumed was broken and therefore did not use for almost two years was in perfect working order!!

I mean: what. the. heck??
We haven't eaten anything baked since 2007.... all for nothing?
I mean sure, we had the snack grill oven thing we borrowed off the Chans but seriously, the only thing we could make in there were spuds and cheezies. You try sticking a full roast pork in a box the size of a tissue box. What were we supposed to do? Cut it up into a hundred bits and cook them one by one?

And then the other day when I was doing my piano practice, mum suddenly announces the oven WORKS.

Let me tell you this: broken contraptions don't magically start working by themselves, and I don't think magical elves came in the middle of the night to fix it either. I am of the opinion that the oven was working the entire time, and we were so stupid we've been living off steamed and fried stuff the entire time when we had an oven that was fine all along.
Mum keeps making excuses about fumes and electrical short circuits, but what it really boils down to is that I'm really right and she just won't admit it :)
I mean: unless it was working all along, what are the chances that it just sudenly un-broke itself and started working again? If that was the case, then why don't we all go to sleep and wake up. That way tomorrow, maybe our broken dishwasher, busted gate, faulty garage door and all the stuffed up light wiring in our house will magically repair itself too! (I think not -____-)

So, I just thought the whole situation was rather, really extremely stupid.

This morning we had cripsy oven baked bread :) hohohoho. It tasted good :D

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