Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Very Irritating and Pointless Existence of Flies, Vultures and All the Things in Between

Flies. Seriously, and especially in Australia where they seem everywhere and tend to follow you around a lot which they don't in other countries (this is just me hearing from other people from around the place talk - generally I don't even notice the flies here unless there are suddenly a lot more than usual), they bummer people out, fly up people's noses, contaminate food, spread diseases, ruin the landscape with their hideous buzzing and bug eyes and just raise that question: Why the heck do flies exist? Please, is there any relevance to their existence, at all?

And spiders? I am scared of spiders. I'm not scared of other creepy crawlies (I just don't like them) but I really really can't stand spiders. I don't like dead spiders corpses either, or the smell of Mortein/Baygon which reminds me of spiders so I usually, stupidly and like a coward :(, box the spiders in a container and chuck them in the outside bin rather than splat them or spray them. It's cruel and unnecessary, but then I never said I was a friend to the 8 legged freaks of nature. Aaargh. Not that I minded Aragog or that giant spider thing in the Lord of the Rings: return of the King. Because they were on TV, which, as you know, isn't the same as the live thing even though it's x10000 the size. But anyway, back to the point of pointless existences: spiders have no point to life either! Sure, they spin webs. But apart from getting people freaked out and caught up in those sticky menaces, what are the webs for? That's right: catching flies. People say that we need spiders, even though they're ghastly, because they rid the possibility of flies overrunning the universe by overpopulation (ha, yeah right, I'd pay to see that happen).
...Oh yeah, and I put a cartoon spider picture on here so I wouldn't scare anybody with a picture of the real thing ;) It has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that I might alarm myself with the picture if I ever check back on my blog.

But then if the spider's only useful contribution to the world is that they get rid of flies, and the only contribution flies make are to feed the spiders: and both flies and spiders are considered horrible, crawly/flyee disgusting critters; then wouldn't it be better just to not have either of them? I think we could live fine in a world without spiders and flies. I know it would really make my day if they vanished off the face of the Earth for just 24 hours.

I know, I know, people will say that spiders are also part of the food chain.
But when you think about it more carefully, the things that eat spiders are birds: like, magpies, crows and seagulls.None of these birds are attractive, well liked, or even endangered in anyway.

Magpies swoop, scare and can potentially injure (eg. pull out your hair or peck out your eyes) people, and they steal shiny objects.

Crows are always a "bad omen" like in books and movies and stuff. Gosh man, they're so ugly and their crowing sound "craawwkk" is hideous. It gives you the creeps and makes you think that there's going to be some sort of undead evil reanimated corpse coming after you...(okay, not really. But still, I always found that crow crowing always makes you feel a little on edge...right?)

And Seagulls. Well, they just poop everywhere, annoy you and steal your picnic/beach food. Everybody hates seagulls.

So with that said, I think that we could do away with all flies, spiders, magpies, crows and seagulls. And don't say that other birds eat spiders too, because they don't. I'm saying now that all the cute little birds like robins and canaries eat earth worms, which are highly beneficial to soil. And eagles eat mice, so really, worrying about other birds dying out isn't a problem.

That is to say, that isn't a problem unless you point out that magpies, crows and seagulls are actually part of the food chain as well. But here's where you hit a dead end. Because what's most likely to eat a magpie/crow/seagull? Err, yep, that's right: a Vulture. Euuchie, that's right, that ugly bird in ice age 2 which was cruelly waiting for all of the animals to die so it could eat their carcasses >.<>
So now, here is why flies, spiders, magpies, crows, seagulls and Vultures really have nothing to offer our planet except to get on humans' negative side and to eat each other, so really we could do without all of them (:
And you guys had all really better appreciate this post, because uploading the pictures took AGES. And the crow picture somehow deleted itself, but i'm okay with that, because as I already said, they kind of give you the creeps anyway ;)

1 comment:

  1. 10000000000000x LOVE this post.
    and i was just about to blog about mosquitoes after finding a mosquito video ^^

    I sooooo agreeeeeeeeee with this post!!!!!
    and cant forget harry potter and the chamber of secrets and the big giant spider...creeeeppyyyyyy...
