Saturday, November 20, 2010


*soothing female train-destination-announcer voice that I so wish I had*
And to reassure those of you who may or may not have had several startling thoughts about whether or not I, the artful blogger (that's 'BLOG-ger' with an L, not the artful booger - don't get any ideas, unhygienic children) have ill-advisedly stuck my chopsticks into the toaster and died of electrocution sims-2-style what with the whole skeleton lighting up thing and such. Not that that (double 'that's intentional) would be likely, anyway. Wood is a poor conductor. Which really goes to show exactly how much *busy busy* study I have been up to these last few days, despite the fact that physics is a thing of the past because
I'M FINISHED YEAR TEN, AND I'M GOING TO FRANCE, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I actually really hate using 'baby' unless referring to an infant, but ah well. Exceptions, exceptions.
Anyway, thought you'd like to know that I'll be blogging regularly. Or I plan to at least. Let's pretend that we don't know what that means o.o
ps. I got an ultra cool ninja watch today.
it's sheer brilliance. everyone. go. see. it. now!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


If there's something I really hate, it's the flashing cursor bar on a blank plage. Yeah, it's pretty horrible which is why I'm currently typing ultra fast as not to have the silly flashing cursor bar flash its flashiness at me intimidatingly - if that's a word - and pardon my spelling mistakes because I'll just fix them later. Yeah, so in order to fast type-itly beat the flashing cursor bar, I gotta type pretty fast which means I'm basically just spewing out whatever I happen to be thinking of that seems semi normal at least. hohohohoohhehehehehehhahahahahahahhahahahahhahaha.....yeah that's easy to type all you've got to do is smash the h and a keys repeatedly.... he he he he
I'm not hysterical. I'm just typing fast, there's a difference.
so so so I can't stop......otherwise that cursed flashing line will come up again...............SOOOOOOOOO here's what I've been up to, or whatever and stuff that such is somthing that I wish tot alk about....ow I just poked my finger inbetween the key space thing.................................
okay. those full stops were just an excuse to think somethingup, because when the flashing cursor thing comes back it's beaten me and I WILL NOT SUCCUMB TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This morning I drank coffee....num num num it tasted gooood
I just sneezed. The cursor bar flashed.
What a fail :(

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sometimes short messages are the most effective

A few words for tumblr:


Sunday, October 3, 2010


Oh, wow. After waiting for AGES, I finally went and saw Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole yesterday
...and it has got to be one of the BEST movies I have ever seen!
I'd actually expected something more happy-happy, but it had its fair share action, what with the bird-like weaponry and owls fighting wars and such.
With an inspiringly epic storyline, humour, wonderful characters and beautiful animation, it's a ten/ten from me. Go, fly to the cinemas and go see for yourself!
Yeah, I know I might be biased since I've always had an extreme fondness for owls and recently Owl City too, but really.  This movie's absolutely incredible.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Broadcast One Trailer

So what do we get up to on the holidays?
Absolutely no good at all.

Started February 2010 and finished on April 16th 2010, this broadcast is Universal Yeti's first (completed) project. Thoroughly pointless and irrelevant to anything in particular, I'm not sure if I want to disclose the entire broadcast (filled with funny and somewhat embarassing content), however here is the trailer for your enjoyment :)
The universe's most skilled news reporting team come together for an evening of action packed news. Including top stories - Thelma the Third the devious bandit, the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows trailer, what mobile phones really do to children's brains and the discovery of a rare alien species.
Harris and Bob-ette at the news desk, with Emm on living reporting. Featuring Sexy Peas with the sports update and AC Pony with the weather forecast.
This was made with an ordinary digital camera, but I think you'd be pleased to know that we've secured an actual video camera since then.

Music belongs to Sky News
All Harry Potter characters and music and story belong to JK Rowling and Warner Brothers
Music at the end belongs to Boys Before Flowers OST
No copyrite infringments intended.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How to vanquish procrastination

1. Get yourself the biggest sized piece of paper possible. Canvas or cardboard is preferable and more permanent, but seeing as we all don't have access to art sheds, paper will do.
2. Write PROCRASTINATAURUS REX or PROCRASTINATRON on top of the page in HUGE BLOCK LETTERS. Grafiti-style, if you can do it. It makes it look more edgy and irritating.
3. Underneath the title, get creative and draw yourself the biggest, ugliest, most hideously deformed and scary monster you can possible imagine.
4. Stick it somewhere you can always see it from where you study. The wall next to your desk, for example.
Now, the fun begins. For every five minutes you give in to distraction/procrastination you add another ugly feature to the monster. A wart, another eye, another wing. For every five minutes you defeat procrastination, you draw a nice sword sticking out of him. Keep this game up until either
a) While adding extra features onto the monster for every time you give in to procrastination, the thing becomes so huge it literally runs off the page and terrorizes your room. And you lose.
b) It's got enough (say...40? he he) little swords sticking out of it to kill it. This means you have defeated Mr Procrastination monster (for the time being) and you can now rip the hideous eyesore from your wall.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blueback Spider

Hmm. It just occured to me that my oldest blog entry was about the very first time I tampered with the art of hair colourants. Less of a vanity thing and more of a boredom versus change thing. Mahogany and dark brown with copper highlights, if I recall correctly. A year and a half is really not a long time ago, but it's a long enough time span for a girl's hair to get chopped, sizzled and burned, as my brother would say. And what he means by that is that said hair has undergone vigorous haircuts, being slathered with bleaching agents and lit on fire (that last one was an accident). Though, last time it actually turned out alright.
This time, the colour of choice is blue black. For all of the mundanely unobservant people out there, no you probably won't be able to tell the difference between black and blue black. But, ah. For those who never noticed, my hair is actually brown black. A wussy black, you can say. I would like a strong, blueish tinge super cool jet black, please. And fries and coke too, while you're at it.
Well, here I am now again. It feels so deja vu-ey just sitting here with a patch of oddly coloured skin on the inside of my elbow (you know that crook in you arm when your skin feels all soft and nice?). Yeah, I decided to do the allergy test. You know, just in case I don't and then my whole face swells up and pops and I explode. I'm not really sure what's supposed to happen, though. All I know is that when I put the stuff on, it was yellow and now it's blacky bluey purple. Like I've just had the world's most unsuccessful blood test.
I take it that if my arm falls off, that's a sure sign of a bad reaction. It probably doesn't help that I'm listening to Lenka's trouble is a friend ("Trouble, he will find you no matter where you go, Oh Oh").
It's become somewhat of a tradition now to blog about hair dyeing, I suppose. There really is nothing better to do when you're sitting around unable to get anything on your arm and you smell like toilet bleach.
Yes, well. Shall tell how it goes.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Before you read, if you're one of those people who frown upon yellow
Yes. That's all. Food for thought.
I like the colour yellow. It's bright. And cheery. And it's my favourite colour.
I know I said red was my favourite colour, but I changed my mind; it's yellow.
Actually, before red became my favourite colour, my favourite colour was yellow.
So you can say that yellow is my official long-lasting favourite colour.
Oh, but in my pre-primary scrapbook I listed my favourite colour as red.
Yeah, so technically red was favourited first.
But, whatever man, because you shouldn't let the past hold you back. If I want my favourite colour to be yellow, my favourite colour's not going to be purple. It's going to be yellow.
Because I like yellow. A lot.
As you can see, I hereby type in yellow. It's getting kind of hard to see what I'm writing. I hope my blog layout background is dark. I can't remember.
Just think of all the cool stuff that's yellow.
Yellow canaries. Yellow flowers. Yellow sun. Yellow glue stick. Yellow cheese.

Yeah, that's right. Yellow rocks.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Le Pont

Hmm. Well, I just thought I'd take a vacation from my prolonged bloggitory absence and say that I've grown increasingly fond of bridges lately.
Not only do they provide handy shortcuts across busy roads, raging waters filled with crocodiles and the perfect place to escape off to inside your mind during times of intense pain, they are rather nice to look at.

 (Check it out! A bridge AND tunnel rolled into one! It'd be so much better underwater with sharks and stingrays battling out all around it though.)

 Ah. My favourite.

I'm considering building a bridge out of LEGO from my bed to my bookshelf so I don't have to get off my bed when I want to grab a book. I just have to find out if it'll support my weight first.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


It amuses me how much Tinkerbell merchandise, DVD's, dolls and such are sold to little kids these days. Apparently most of them haven't seen the old Peter Pan movie, otherwise they'd know that little ol' Tink isn't exactly the best role model for girls around. I mean, not only is she overly concerned with superficial appearance (somewhere at the beginning of the movie where she is obessively checking out her reflection), she's possibly the most jealous creature ever to feature in a Disney movie - she TRIED TO KILL WENDY! (Do you remember? "Shoot the Wendy bird!")
And now she's all glamming up in her pom pom shoes with her little fairy friends, dancing around screen like she's the happiest, sweetest little pixie you'll ever see.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ruling margins

For a place where we're (HOMOPHONE!... Wow. What a funny word) supposed to be learning things, we waste a surprising amount of time on useless, brainkilling rituals and activities. Let me list some of them:
1. Uniform. As facebook so kindly states - we attend school for an education not a uniform lecture.
2. Greetings: "Good morning class!"
(sing song voices) "Good MORNing Mrs Smith"
Multiply this by the seven or so classes you have a day, then by five days a week, and forty odd weeks a year... (you do the math).
I think teachers must feel insulted by this. Isn't it better to have no greeting at all, than an un-heartfelt, sarcastic automatic reaction from students?
3. Lateness. Okay, so I can understand fifteen minutes... but seriously, three minutes after the bell? That's harsh. You know, I think they're just cranky and in the mood to bust someone.
The list infinitely goes on, however I kindly recognize that half of my readers probably read my blog after school, in which rambling on about school would do nothing to lift their dimly down trodded rained-on spirits.

Just one more thing. MARGINS. You know, those red lines you have to rule on exercise books? Yeah, the other day I realized how useless they are. For those of you who have been mercifully blessed enough not to know what margins are, let me just corrupt your minds:
(Insert dramatic music and loud gasp)
I think ruling them up is a statement, just teacher enforcing tradition. Because in the end, what on earth is the point of a margin? An ugly red line across your page. It wastes paper and pen ink. I mean, think of all the other better things we could be doing with pen ink. Like, grafitiing (grafitying?) Wait, that's a different word. Yeah, I just discovered that I can't spell the verb grafiti without writing "gratifying". Okay. Like, GRAFITI-ing. Ha ha ha. Only kidding.
... Why do I just feel like the joke was lost?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The mobile blogger!

So some couple of months after getting me hands on a shiny new mobile (NOKIAs, chyeah! As a friend of mine once said, you can fight wars with these indestructable little gadgets) I wondered what would happen if I tried to blog from it. It would sure spell the end of the long, awkward fortnitely silences between posts.
Anyway, though I'm not a phone fanatic (why text when you can freely use msn? Although when you look at your internet bill, that isn't exactly what you'd call free. I just say it is because I don't have to pay for the net bill. On the other hand, I don't pay for my phone bill either... Thanks, mum!) I'm really quite fond of my sidekick. By sidekick, I mean, like, companion. Not the phone brand. Err, is there a phone brand 'Sidekick' anyway? Because if there isn't, there ought to be. As I think I was saying... I like my mobile. It's a writer-friendly phone. I am forever indebted to NOKIA... And the nice man at Crazy Johns.
By the way, sorry if I repeat myself. The screen is kind of skinny, and I'm not much of a scroller, so I can only read back around 8 lines.
So here it is. My very first 100% authentic mobile blog. I wonder how much it's going to cost. You followers had better all feast your eyes and appreciate this post. It could be worth a couple of dollars.
And with all said and done, I'm going to excitedly attempt to post this... And go off to eat KFC. Oh, yeah.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Reganitfecken Revolution!

So the other day in economics, Cindy and I were doing some bad things. By which I mean we were searching our blogs on the internet whilst we were supposed to be doing some boring number statistics calculating thing on Microsoft Excel. It was then that I hit my last year's blog, Random Blah Blahs, and was filled with nostalgic longing and really realized that I have somewhat lost the will and ability to actually blog properly, randomly, uselessly and that my current blog is starting to disintegrate into a filthy waste of cyberspace (assonance!). So, anyway, what I'm getting at is that I'm going to recapulate (is that a word) the randomness and ludricosity (is that a word too?) of what this blog was originally intended to have.
Yup. And how better to do that than by rattling off about...

Cool words!
 These words are some of my favourites. They sound cool when you say them over and over again, they sound cool when you use them in long sentences, they sound cool when you use them as one word answers, they sound cool when you want to insult someone, and they are perfect for filling in awkward silences:
Angst, Nostalgia, Malk (pronounced "Malk" not "Molk"), Leopluradon, Subwoofa, Smorgusbord, Serendipity, Phalanges, Aish!, Antisocial, Specificity, Czechoslovakia (which, although no longer exists - we were forced to spell it in year five thanks to some overly intelligent smart alec), Expelliarmus, Schmuck, Robust, Barf, Dabble, Brandish, Nooble, Exoskeleton, Muffalated, Qwertylope, Munted...
...and so much more...
When you're feeling particularly risky, bored or wanting to sound intelligent - try using all of them in one, long sentence. This is a great idea when you're at a fancy function or party such as your lousy relative's wedding reception.

And, to wrap up today's lovely session, I drew a picture on paint!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Sorry, my English assignment still isn't done yet. I've just gotten caught up in so many other things... but... I have some highly amusing news! You've probably already heard it....but....oh well, here it is anyway:

Jet Blue flight attendant, Steven Slater, 39, dramatically resigned after a row with a passenger by activating the emergency slide and sliding down it, beer in hand, at New York's JFK airport. A passenger had tried to open the overhead compartment before being instructed to by the cabin crew. Slater reprimanded the passenger after a piece of luggage reportedly landed on him and a row ensued, according to eye witnesses. Slater then proceeded to announce his immediate resignation using the on-board PA system.

Passenger Philip Catelinet said Slater announced 'To the passenger who called me a **Bad Words**. I’ve been in this business 28 years. And that’s it, I’m done.’
He then grabbed at least one beer, activated the slide, went down it and ran to his car. Slater was arrested some time later at his New York state home and charged with criminal mischief, reckless endangerment and trespassing.

Poor guy. Must've been a build up of stress and bad day syndrome before he finally cracked it.
All I can that I wish I'd been there.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Oh, wow. 2010 is eight months old? Congratulations!

I know. I am a lousy blogger :o
But I'll come with something good after I kill my To Kill a Mockingbird English assignment.

In the mean time, GO WATCH INCEPTION!
I saw it yesterday, and wow... one of the best movies I've seen.
Just do yourself a favour and head to the movies. Like, now.

And by the way... what's happened to Google imgages? It's, ah...updated? Ha. It's different.
Oh, and Happy August.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hungry for Change

It's not so far away until I have a go at the 40 hour famine for the first time.
I've decided to go without food and talking (seeing as I'd only be complaining anyway)
What are YOU going to do?
Oh yeah, sponsorship will be received with much love :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Oh, hi.

Yeah it's me. I'm here. I'm alive.
I'm also a lousy blogger, but then I guess you guys will all just have to deal with it.
Uh, sorry...

I really have nothing to say. Except for:
I WANT TO BE ABLE TO PLAY THIS SOOOOO BAD. Even badder than that billionaire guy wants to be a billionaire.

I like his style. Doesn't look like much of a pianist...but wow, can he play!

I think I can play it.
And no, it does not matter that the only reason I think I can is that such a thought may be a result of my chronically overactive imagination (and ridiculous wishful thinking).

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pursue at your leisure, English lovers. Reasons why the English language is so hard to learn:

The bandage was wound around the wound.
The farm was used to produce produce.
The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
We must polish the Polish furniture.
He could lead if he would get the lead out.
The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
I did not object to the object.
The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
They were too close to the door to close it.
The buck does funny things when the does are present.
A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
After a number of injections my jaw got number.
Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.
I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?
There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France (surprise!).
Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat. Quicksand works slowly, boxing rings are square, and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.
And why is it that writers write, but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham?
If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth? One goose two geese, so one moose, two meese? Doesn't it seem crazy, that you can make amends but not one amend. If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it? Is it an odd, or an end?
If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship?
Have noses that run and feet that smell? How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out, and in which, an alarm goes off by going on.
English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all. That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.
P.S. Why doesn't "Buick" rhyme with "quick"?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

And how do you stay warm warm in winter AND ward off muggers?

Answer: Carry around this battery operated pistol designed hair dryer!
I can't even begin to describe how badly I would like one of these...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Politics. A tough, bitter game.

Today, switch on the TV and all you see is JULIA GILLARD. Everywhere, every channel.... Julia Gillard, Australia's new and first female Prime Minister. So sudden, no election, everybody's talking about it at school. WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?

You see, when all the channels froze and switched to "Breaking News," I was playing Fruit Ninja on my uncle's iPhone, blissfully unaware that Kevin Rudd was tearfully stepping down from his role as Prime Minister.

This was going to start as a huge blog about what I thought of the situation, and it was going to be very long and detailed, but it's not going to happen. I still feel empty and a little bit shocked at all that's happened.

How can a party turn against their own leader? First of all, how can they be allowed to do that? It's just cold, hard betrayal. I feel that the labour party has played very unfairly, and I'm not happy about this Julia Gillard: new prime minister scenario. Sure, she seems very in control, focused, determined and sincere, however there's something about her that I can't particularly pinpoint in a justifiable way.
I'm sorry that something like this has happened; when a party would "politically execute", tear down their leader because they think it'll lead them to a higher chance of survival. It just shows how ruthless politics can be, and, I reckon, the lengths that people will go to fufill their own greedy ambitions and desire for power.
People generally regard politicians as "dodgy people," as public figures, and not as human beings. However, I still somehow kept the notion that our own Aussie politicians might have had a little more integrety than to scheme behind their own leader's back, before striking him down from his position. But I was wrong. Turns out our people have a nature every bit the same as everyone else. And I'm just very disappointed.

I've always looked a Kevin Rudd as a kind of weaker character, and still thought that Johhn Howard had more backbone. But I still believe he was a good man, and he's done a pretty decent job overall. The first year was fantastic, and although this year's not been so great...seriously he does not deserve this painful ending to his time as PM. And after that speech and appears that Kevin Rudd actually did have the real guts to be a real Prime Minister after all. I suppose he'll never be elected again.
Mr Rudd...well, I did used to call him Kevin Spud. But, you know, he was a pretty good Prime Minister and I'm sad to see him go like this.

Monday, June 21, 2010

It's official. The technicolor phase has become my favourite song.

In fact, I like it so much, I don't even care that 'technicolor' is spelt incorrectly... and American spelt English almost never fails to irritate me.

I would certainly post it into the music player embed code thingy on this blog, only I don't know how to. So I'm just going to make little old youtube here my pal.

Oh, man. If Adam Young isn't the third most awesome person ever born, I don't know who is.
(With the first being Jesus, and the second being my mother)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The wonders of June

I thought I'd tell everybody that today is REBECCA'S 15th birthday! So Happy Birthday, Becca, hope you have a great day - even if there's an EXAM on it. Think of it as 'birthday luck.' If you don't know Rebecca, then you're a sad kid, but you can find her pretty awesome blog here at The Asian Talks.

Anyway, the thing about June is that there is a whole Owl City album dedicated to June. I finally got my hands on a copy of Maybe I'm Dreaming which I've been coveting for the last seven months or I'm quite ecstatic about that :)

Also, June celebrates the 3rd anniversary of me and blogger. So even though I'm a sad blogger with only 5 followers gathered in 3 years, I would like to thank each and every one of you for making this dream of mine achievable! Of course, I'm being pretty overdramatic here, but really, it's nice to know that SOMEONE out there cares.

Keep reading, and keep on going with your happy chappy lives. I'll still be around in years to come, I should think. And here's a nice cake for you to look at for my anniversary and Bec's birthday:

C-OR-aline. Coraline Jones.

The other day someone said I only blog once a month. Actually, that's not true at all - but I suppose I could post more regularly, however due to the sad lack of feedback I receive it is actually kind of hard to motivate myself into blibbering about nothingness. Yup.

Anyway, I decided to do some REVIEWS. Just because I feel like it. OK, so this post basically goes out to Coraline, my friends. A fantastic story about a girl who feels neglected that journeys through a door in her house to another world - exactly like her own, only better in every way imaginable. Coraline is wowed by this other world, and her "other mother" and "other father," both whom shower her with love and attention! It's a marvellous adventure; until she discovers that all is not as it appears to be.

By the way, Coraline is not scary. Well, no, it might be. I suppose if you are afraid of dolls, and jumping mice, and dopplegangers and 'menacing themes'......... It's a story where the more grown up you are, the scarier it seems, I think. So child yourselves and watch/read it! It gives you the chills, a bit, I reckon. IT'S AWESOME!  It's definitely worth your time, I promise :)

(Following contains quotes and hints, but no actual spoilers)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I'm so excited I can hardly type. The preview for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I has been released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check it out here.
I think I might actually faint from happiness.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Is it possible that I have been outwitted by a search engine?

Dear loyal readers,

I have decided to format this blog as a letter in preparation of my English exam, even though I've already sat the writing and reading exam and only have the viewing (in which the chances of me having to write a letter are pretty slim) left to go, but oh well. I see that I have already made a mistake by not putting 'loyal readers' with capital letters. Only now that I've pointed it out, I can't change it without creating confusion.
Never mind.

What I would really like to complain about is the mysterious case of the vanishing Google.
As you may or may not know, I have a slight semi-obsession for finding 'special googles' and posting them to this blog. So today I tried to get onto Google...only where was it? Google had disappeared! But then when I checked back it was gone! Now what is up with that?
It's a good thing I practice constance vigilance and snapped this snippet of my internet explorer as evidence:

See? Now all I have to do is found out where google went in those missing minutes. Gone for a bathroom break, I suppose.

OH and I wanted you guys to see this too:

I don't know who knows about what knows about me, but anyway, I have a real thing for owls and clocks. So when I saw the above picture picture - the two rolled into one!!!- my eyeballs nearly gauged out and I nearly fainted with jealousy.
That is all.

Yes. That, um, should be it.

wait. I forgot. This is a letter, so...

Yours sincerely,


ps. Yes, I did copy Kendra with the whole making your name big at the end of the post thing. Forgive me :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Welcome back winter once again

Happy June everyone!
I know everyone's saying it...but this year really is going fast! In just 30 days we'll be halfway through the year and celebrating because of the EOFYS! And I still remember being so proud of posting at exactly 12 o'clock midnight on news years' day: "HAPPY NEW YEAR." Well, actually, I was about 9 minutes off as I recall, but oh well, perfection is boring.

Anyway, here I am, studying for exams and such. Well, I'm waiting for a virtual copy of my maths book to download which my friend so kindly sent me since my copy of the maths book has mysteriously vanished just in time for the exam. NOT in the mood to blog, yet I choose to anyway since I've really got nothing else better to do as my mind is currently preoccupied with trivial matters such as the whereabouts of my missing maths book and whether or not I can own a snowglobe without smashing it. Anyway, I thought I'd just write a poem about winter. I suck at poetry, by the way, so don't expect anything great.

Oh wait. My maths book just loaded. Guess I'll just have to... catch you guys later! (c) ~ ycxu
And here's a random picture for your enjoyment.

Monday, May 31, 2010


I haven't found something (or someone, in this case) that I've found so thoroughly interesting for quite a while. These incredible .... would you call them artworks? are by the British grafiti artist who goes by the pseudonym "Banksy." His identity remains currently unknown. Check out more of his work here. It's quite amazing, actually!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

the ultimate pacman

Pacman's 30th Birthday!
Seriously, this has got to be the coolest special google ever. Get onto google right now (because it probably won't be around tomorrow) and check it out! Not only does it look awesome, you can actually play it ;)

The socking no longer secret secret of 007

So there was a school social last Thursday. Whether or not I mentioned it before is actually quite irrelevant, because now you know. The theme was 007, and I rocked up in a tuxedo because I'm awesome (or because it was the only way to bail out of wearing a dress and looking like a mega prat). Well, it doesn't really matter - because I got to dance with all my beautiful mates and go kind of high on coke and red lollies =D

Anyway, so before I left the house I started hunting around for a pair of white socks - because I thought it'd match the black/white style outfit. And it was one of those convenient days when you actually need something and it's decided to play master level hide and seek. It was then that I actually realized that you wouldn't even be able to see what socks I would be wearing anyway. For all anyone knew, I could have worn my fluffy green socks with the skid proof bottoms or my stripey knee high socks under my pants and shoes and they would be none the wiser.

So if I can get away with wearing any socks in the world - what do the real 007 actors get away with?
Did Sean Connery indulge in silky socks with little bows?
Did David Niven wear poca dotted high socks?
Did George Lazenby secretly cherish toe socks?
Perhaps Roger Moore always had holes in his socks?
Or maybe Timothy Dalton liked socks with small plush animals stitched onto the sides?
Pierce Brosnan... perhaps he had a pair of MUSICAL socks? (although for all our sakes, let's just hope he didn't have socks which sung his own voice)
And Daniel Craig? How do we know what dark secrets he's hiding behind those shiny, polished shoes?

Food for thought =D

Monday, May 17, 2010

My brain hurts

I am aware that I haven't blogged in a while, but it's my blog and I can do what I want. I can't help it if I'm excessively lazy and too selfish to care about my readers ^^
Anyway, so today I went to this conference at Scotch College. I was a little disappointed to find out that the boys there did not drink Scotch Whiskey. But then again we don't wave around sceptres and we don't wear crowns even though our school name includes the word "King".
Rebecca promised to write some interesting things about the same excursion here. So check out that when you get the time because she is a blogoogling good blogger (and has started to blog regularly, unlike myself).

So we listened to lectures (yeah. the sort where you sit on your "boTTom" for hours and listen to people waffle. Only the nice lady had an insanely rad English accent, which it made everything she had to say far more interesting) on a few topics. Which included Justice, Truth, Beauty and Mathematics (I liked how it challenged the existence of maths. Is maths created, or discovered?), Time (I like clocks, but this was just downright boring and irritating), Nanotechnology and Sex in the 21st Century (highly interesting. I won't share the disturbing details here, but there is a certain pretty funny fact. But you'll just have to ask privately).

So what I was really interested in was Nanotechnology. I thought it'd be the most boring subject on the day's lecture plan, but it actually turned out to be the most fascinating. I suppose there must be people like me, who've only heard of the word 'nano' in association with the iPod nano. Well, nanotechnology is a branch of science which specializes in tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny things. Miss English kept repeating "not miscroscopic. Nano-scofic." Nanotechnology is being funded hugely by governments all around the place - because they all believe that Nanotechnology is the future, and that it will revolutionize the world - even more so than electricity.

Anyway, enough with the boring stuff. If you're still with me, then here's the more awesome stuff. With nanotechnology, it opens the world up to possibilites, (and many of these are already in action, close to a breakthrough an not merely future fancy daydreams) including:
1. FOOD. I know some certain people will be excited about this. Everlasting gobstoppers, chewing gum meals and lickable wall paper are all within grasp!!!! :o
AND they can use nanotechnology to manipulate the particles which make up our food - using WOW. So they coat water with a substance (eg. oil, sugar) so that using nanotechnology they can create something that looks, tastes and feels like chocolate - but is actually mostly water, therefore eliminating most of the fat and other icky stuff. Now wouldn't that make me happy.

There's heaps of other medical benefits, military advantages and so on and so on as well as the potential to cause huge damage with nanotechnology. So far it's a new concept, that has not had enough research done it it's rather hazy and dangerous at present. But I want to draw your attention to this:

Will not stain or wrinkle.
And they're working on pants that will not absorb odour. Think about it, without even bothering about washing them, you could live off one pair of undies for the rest of your life :D

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pinch and a punch, it's the first day of the month returns.
Farewell April, hello May!

M ary had a little lamb.
A n apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Y ou'd better appreciate this last month of official autumn. Winter's going to hit next June and we shall be...well, cold.

You know red, blue and yellow are my favourite colours. Not because they're the primary colours. They're my favourite colours, and they just so happen to be primary colours.

Anyway, may you all be blessed with an interesting and safe month.

And it's two weeks and a day until my birthday. Now if anyone knows where I can get some free cake...

Monday, April 26, 2010

I have decided...

to convert from Doughnutism to Donutism.
Since always spelling doughnut/donut as 'Doughnut' because I assumed that it was made of dough, I never fully figured out which was the correct spelling. So I went and asked google, but he wasn't much of a help either. Apparently it is acceptable to spell doughnut/donut as "doughnut" or "donut."

And I, being rather stupid, opted for the longer, more difficult "D-O-U-G-H-N-U-T." I just thought donut was another example of the Americans being rebellious ("favorite," "color," "mom") but apparently I was wrong again.

And so on Saturday, after craving doughnuts/donuts for like 3 months, I ate my first doughnut/donut in ages. And if you're wondering why it's been so long since I've eaten one, it's because Emily put some silly notion into mother's head that doughnuts/donuts were the most fattening food on planet earth which resulted in almost 6 months without a single doughnut/donut much to my displeasure, if that's a word.

So it was then, with half a doughnut/donut in my mouth, that I realized that Donut King spells it as "donut." And if they do...then obviously they're correct, yes?

Basically what I'm trying to say is that D-O-N-U-T is my new, correct-er and much better spelling. Doughnut was confusing anyway. I can really imagine someone asking me "why the heck were you eating "Duff-nuts?"" (as in 'ough' in 'enough.')

So yeah. Happy donuts everyone.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Special Google Space

Happy 20th Anniversary, Hubble space telescope.


Hello planet earth.
I've realized that I haven't blogged in a while and I seem to have particularly upset Kendra, so sorry about that. The main reason being was that many month long project Anayalight (ended pretty badly with the last third of it 95% plagiarised) had its deadline drawing closer and closer.

I, especially, am overjoyed to announce it's OVER AND DONE WITH-ness so yes, guess it's time to relive the irrelevancies again.

Anyway, so today was supposed to be one of those happy chappy days when you just have a few things to do and then relax later with a cup of coffee and tub of icecream. Unfortunately, it seems to have turned into one of those movie-worthy days when everything just goes completely off the rail.

Mum and I went to the city to pay a visit to Katmandu (which at the time, I thought it was spelled "Cat man do" - had me thinking what the heck??!!) to see if we could find some warm, lightweight clothes for when I head off to France on exchange at the end of the year (not sure if I mentioned that before. But, well now you know). Emily decided to tag along, for whatever reason. Maybe she heard "city" and "money" and thought "shopping spree."

1) First of all, the parking lot was almost completely full so we had to park up the top somewhere.

We got out, and we were at about 700, Hay Street (the number of the shops, I suppose). So we walk up to about 780 Hay St when

2) Mum announces that she checked Yellow Pages before, and it said Katmandu was located at 89, Hay Street. Which happens to be back the other way. Back the other way by about 700 stores actually.

*thoughts of the amount of walking ahead*
"Mum, are you sure it's at 89?"
"Yes, I'm sure Katmandu's on 89."
"Mum, are you SURE it's at 89 Hay Street?"
"Yes, I'm definitely sure."
"Okay. We have a lot of walking to do."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Vanilla Supreme!

There are a lot of things you can learn from other people's experiences. In this case, I can help you out by suggesting some key things that might be of use in the future:
1. Don't attempt to change a big ceiling light bulb unless you know exactly what you're doing.
2. Don't spray mortein near a light bulb because it might blow up.
3. If you open your window to rid the place of a mysterious smell, make sure you close it when it rains.

If anybody asks, the VANILLA SUPREME icecream lid taped to my bedroom ceiling is not a tribute to Bennys icecream, but rather a device with 2 important purposes.
1. To cover the black hole where the light bulb ought to be.
2. To keep me safe from the huntsman spider family conspiracy that I know is going on up there in the roof even if I can't see it. I hear their pincers at night. I know they're there.
Black and orange luggage tape is my insulation against the arachnids. Let's pray that it works.

The next step is to fill the ceiling with glow in the dark stars and to build a tool that will allow me to switch off my lamp without leaving the bed.

Yes, I'm still here.

Well it's been a while since I last posted. Maybe it's because I've been lazy, maybe because I'm so popular I've been invited to so many places these holidays I've barely had any time to blog (not true) or maybe it's because of a certain book I'm trying to finish by the 23rd April, just over a week away.
I could mention that it's really taken me a lot of guts and determination (officially quoting Shannon from the Biggest Loser) to get here today. Not only did my computer refuse to load for an infuriatingly long time, it also kept confusing blogger with hotmail (how does it even do that?) and stubbornly not loading. So for a long time, I knew that I had 4 junk emails from various websites but no idea whether or not my blog had died.The fact that I have succeeded in making it onto this site is very special. And even now it's being annoyingly slow.

So yes, I guess I was making a point that I'm alive and blogging again.

Oh, and I'm also considering taking a vow of silence.
You know, just for like a day or something. Maybe. I'm sure a lot of people would be grateful if I did (:
If Dwayne Hoover can do it, why not me?
I know. I know. Because he's fictional =_____=

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Titanic in 3D!!!

Oh my goodness, I'm so excited!
I've just found out that the Titanic is being re-released in cinemas 2012 in 3D! It's going to be the same movie as the 1997 Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet version, just in 3D. 2012 commemorates the 100th anniversary of the sinking.
Wow. This movie is amazing. I simply can't wait!

Check it out here

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our very own Natural disaster

It seems as though Perth no longer sits back and watches the action that happens to other places without any thing ever happening here.

Our Monday storm was officially declared a natural disaster. So now that we have all gone through the horror of this natural disaster... hey, I guess we should give the storm its very own name? Ideas, anyone?


A sad tale indeed.

Monday, March 22, 2010



Today I saw a huge bolt of lightning that turned the whole sky PURPLE for a second. It was awesome.

Sunshine, Hot weather, Wind, Humidity, Thunderstorm, Hail, Heavy rain, Lightning.. all in one day. What is the world coming to?

It's quiet now, but I hope the storm comes back :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Crazy Fast

Thankyou Cindy for enlightening me about this superfast rapper. Wow, this guy needs to relax! (and a haircut too) Check out 1:49-2:06ish... I doubt the Koreans can even understand this! :) What awesome talent indeed.

Arrival de la lit

OH YES. At last, after one year and several months (September 2008-Now. You do the math) I am now the owner, and sole owner, and rightful owner, and finally an owner of A BED :D

They called on Wednesday, and at last, on Friday all the parts arrived! Yesterday was spent cleaning out my room (of course, mum went spats at me over every particle of dust. But, really, how are you supposed to dust the floor when there's a whole sofa/desk in the way? Just as well as she didn't check the wardrobe. Would've had a nasty shock there hahaha)

So I had to basically move my dressing table (which weighs about 65kg, I'd estimate) by myself without scratching any of the floorboards that got put in last year so I had to lift the blasted table (*sweat*) and get my desk into the hall way without knocking any of the stuff on it over...
And then mum and I lifted the various heavy parts of the bed into my room.

Assembling it was fun. It was like building lego furniture, except on a slightly larger scale. Little brother was under the heavy supporting part when we were lifting it onto the side of the bed. Kid kept looking he was under severe stress and fear that we were going to drop it on him (which probably would have given him permanent damage if we had :). But eventually the job was done, and the day ended up nicely with watching 2 episodes of Boys Before Flowers! (yeah, so much for homework! >.< )

So I think in total I must have lifted quite a lot of furniture. I ought to have rock hard muscles by now, but when I check my arms this morning, they're just as squishy as always... *sigh*
Darn, guess I should start doing chin ups on my new bed :D

And for those of you who think this is a trifling matter: YOU TRY SLEEPING ON THE GROUND FOR A YEAR AND SEVERAL MONTHS AND TELL ME THAT YOU LIKE IT. I don't know which person who said sleeping on a hard surface is good for you back, but I'm pretty sure my back is crooked-ish anyway. So don't listen to him, that's all :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


What irritates me most is that nearly all the comments on this video are about Kim Hyun Joong (for those of you who don't already know. He's the guy who looks like this)

And yes, as I was saying, most of video comments are about Kim Hyun Joong when this is KIM JUN'S (picture included for the clueless) video!!!

Kim Hyun Joon makes a ten second altogether appearance in this mv, so why is he getting all the comments? How do you think that makes Kim Jun feel, hey commenty people? It's his song, after all. Yeesh! I know he can't dance to save his life, but still. Give him some credit, at least Woobin doesn't look (and act and fight and ride a horse and pretend to play violin) like a girl ^_^

It's a good song. Wish I knew what the heck he is singing about though...

Rising Star *twinkle sparkle*

I wonder what it'd be like to be the discovery of a new celebrity? Pretty interesting, I'm sure, but I think I'm on the verge of a discovery! :D A profile on Miss Halle Geb:

Name: Hallelujah Geb (Have shortened last name for 1. Privacy and 2. I can't spell it ^^)
Age: 15 Birthday: November 1st (According to facebook) 1994
Born in Egypt and grew up in Melbourne. Etheopian (from what I can remember?) descent and has a beautiful smiley smile that I really wish I had. Although that would just look weird (on me, I mean).
I really reckon Halle will end up being some mission worker/leader or a really famous and charismatic politician/activist... but then that's just my thoughts, eh?

I know that she is bubbly, friendly, smart and is good at sports and musicky stuff. I also happen to know that she stinks at sewing (I'm sorry Halle. I can't put that image of some...interesting experiments in year 8 clothing class out of my mind! ^_^) and once attempted and failed at a tomato diet :)

Oh the memories we share that you all totally wish you could share too.
The one that comes to mind is her role as the Hippie Queen in Snow White II, 2007 (my face still occasionally tingles with shame ahaha. I still have a copy for anyone who is desperate for a watch ^^)

So yess, anyways, if you haven't already, I strongly advise that you go talk to Halle. Just cause she's cool. and awesome. and easy to talk to :) It might just make your day.

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away:: Rev 21:4 ♥

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Special Google!

Happy birthday Vivaldi ^_^


I must be the biggest hypocrite in the history of hypocrites. After stating multiple times that I had no desire to set up a formspring account because any questions that anyone wanted to ask me, they ask it to my face, I have to admit that curiosity eventually got the better of me and I have created a profile. It is true that I like answering some questions, and since I'm bored and really have nothing better to do apart from homework...why not wonder what people are going to ask anonymously? It could be a very intriguing social experiment. ask me anything. Just make sure it's interesting or I won't bother answering.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Electronic Bushes

Today while walking out of the library at the end of the day; Eleanor, Ashleigh and I made an unusual discovery. A computer in the middle of the bushes... which was random and quite funny. We were told to report it, because apparently 3 computers were stolen from the school. So with finding one computer, there's 2 more to go. Thing is, why would someone go to all the trouble of stealing a computer only to drop it in a pile of bushes? I've put together a list of possible theories...

1. Say that all the computers were taken in one night, and there was a shortage of thieves, perhaps they were not able to carry so many computers at once, so one was purposely left behind with the intention of coming back for it later.

It's not possible that the thief threw the computer into the bush in a hurry, or that someone in the office got angry at it and tossed it out of the window and into the bushes, because the computer looked quite in good shape - all the pieces (modem, keyboard..etc) were there and upright and it showed no signs of having been carelessly tossed down. The computer had to have been placed there deliberately.

2. Perhaps it was stolen by a student who put it in the bush as a joke. Not likely, as this seems risky and pointless - if a student hated a certain computer teacher, wouldn't it make more sense to vandalize the computer?

And now that it's been estasblished that the computer was deliberately placed there - what purpose would sticking it in a bush have served? The most likely conclusion I could draw from the scene was that it was placed there as a hiding spot. Although this doesn't seem terrible solid either, as in the bushes is not exactly the best hiding spot in the world - although if the robbery happened at night and all the doors and windows were shut and the thief/s were in a hurry, perhaps they didn't really have anywhere better to put it?

All I can say is, it's an awfully funny and strange scenario. Anyone like to present some ideas? ^_^

Summer is over...

Happy March everyone. Hurrah for autumn, though I am kind of bummed that summer's done with for another went by pretty quickly. However news forecast is still predicting summer weather throughout March...though summer weather in autumn sure isn't the same as summer winter in summer --_____--

The leaves of the trees around my place are starting to turn red and brown. Soon they will drop off and I can build a giant mountain of leaves to jump up and down in (not that I've ever done that that I can remember....but I fully intend to)

So things to achieves this autumn (and I WILL achieve all of these things and come back to check them off when I have!):

[x] Finish that ghastly book Anayalight by the 23rd April for Alice's birthday present

[x] Survive through the first online brain bee competition coming up soon...

[x] Turn 15...and become 1.5 decades old. (Guess this is inevitable, unless I fall off a building or something :/ )

[ ] Get 100% on at least one school test (come to think of it, I don't even remember the last time I fully aced something. Looks like this'll be interesting...)

[x] Be sleeping in a BED by the time winter arrives so I won't have to huddle on the floor when it's cold.

[x] Clean my room so when the bed comes, it has somewhere to go.

[ ] Make somebody laugh until either they choke on their food or spit out whatever liquid that was in their mouth. Just because it's funny.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


It turns out that playing Ace Attorney in French isn't nearly as easy as I thought it'd be...darn.
It also doesn't help that half the characters' names have been changed (what's up with that? I liked Larry Butz being Larry Butz; not Paul Defes or whatever French name he's been given =__=) and now they scream "Ob-ject-sionne!" instead of "OB-JECT-SHEN!" Mind you, it's still pretty fun ;)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Don't even bother reading.

anaya. says:
*i have a good idea
*you should write me a blog
*you know i love that
Harris :{D says:
*absolutely................if you insist
anaya. says:
*oh i do

And now I'm wondering what kind of self obsessed narcissist has the urge to always read so much about herself... Evidently a book is not enough, huh, Alice? Maybe an entire library would do.... -____-

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Darn you, technology

Just ignore the music player. I have failed to make it work, but I'm going to destroy it later because I'm currently working on a maths pre test. So just to let you know, you've not gone deaf, and it's not your computer - it's mine -____-

Aquium and Dettol

Those Aquium and Dettol hand sanitizers have got to be one of those backfiring inventions
Sure, they're a handy alternative to washing your hands when you're out at a picnic, and it can't hurt carrying it around in your bag (unless it spills everywhere- and Emily D is right: the stuff STINKS), but still, you have to consider that the main reason these no water needed handwashes are used, is to disinfect kid's hands right before they eat.

And any kid (or anyone, for that matter) who has ever eaten anything right after rinsing their hands in the stuff, will know that their food always tastes disgusting. In case you haven't already figured it out, it's when you accidentally touch your fingers to your lips when you're taking a bite, and then you can taste the really horrible soapy disinfectant taste. And then you get the disinfectant smeared over your mouth, so if you lick your lips, you can taste the strong soapy taste and it's horrible! And then once it's on your tongue the yuck taste can go over the inside of your mouth: your teeth, inside of cheeks....until your perfectly edible club sandwhich or Happy Meal starts to taste like a ghastly combination of chemical antibacterial agents and chicken nuggets (or whatever it is you're eating - either way, you can kiss it goodbye because food never tastes the same once you've got aquium/dettol on your hands to begin with).

My advice to you? Unless you're trekking through some deserted uninhabitated desert with no access to running water, then get off your lazy bum and just use the tap! Walking twenty metres to the tap won't kill you, and believe me, your lunch will taste a lot better! ^_^

That is all.

Oh, and by the way, does anyone know how to put music players onto blogspot? There are websites saying exactly how to do that, but I think I've signed up for 5 of them, none of which have worked. So somebody with a blog with music, please let me know how you did it.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The mysterious music pause

Today my mum was screaming in the car at my brother, and then she shouted "STOP" because he must have been doing something stupid.
Owl City's cd was playing, and just after she shouted 'stop' it glitched, and paused for a few seconds before playing again. nobody touched the controls, the cd has never had any disk problems before, and it was fine when i played the same track again.

she was quite happy with herself, and said that even Owl City was scared of her.
Umm....which was strange.
But I find this quite amusing (and somewhat "mysterious" eh heh heh

Nasty Business

anaya. says:
Harris :{D says:
*i never said i was going to
*i'm kind of busy right now
*but i will
*i suppose
*a really short
*one liner
anaya. says:

Today, during maths, Alice kicked my seat. I turned around and she was rolling her eyes, head and flapping her arms around uselessly. And it wasn't obvious at all. Wonderful spy skills, she should like totally be a secret agent. It's funny because I mentioned almost the exact same thing in Anayalight (ah, damn Twilight.... -____- ) without seeing today's interesting display of weirdness.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Today "theinvisible Ninjaman" added me on facebook. No idea who it is, but it made me laugh. Ha. Ha. ha.

Monday, February 8, 2010

On a lighter note.

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y C I N D Y ( :

RIP Hypo!

After getting back from our grandpa's today, Daniel noticed that Hypo! had disappeared from his tank... Mum was quick to suspect Leo, but I knew our cat just didn't have the heart (or physical skills needed) to kill a fighting fish. Also, he'd have to be a genius to get onto the coffee side table, take off the lid, eat the fish and replace the lid without leaving a single bit of fur or drop of water.
I had a sick feeling that maybe Hypo! had jumped out of the small gap out the back of the tank, and fallen down the back of the table. As I moved his tank...there was Hypo!...right underneath it. Not moving and surrounded by wet, black sludge. And then he twitched. We put him back into the water and fed him. He was pretty weak. Apparently Siamese Fighting Fish have an organ that allows them to breathe atmospheric air, but we didn't know how long Hypo! had been out. It could've been anywhere from the time we left the house to go to school.
Hypo! died at approximately 8.30pm, 8th February 2010.

I never knew Siamese fighting fish jumped. I thought it was just Hypo! being...well, hypo. For all of you who own Betta fish, they do jump, and you should make sure they can't jump out of their tanks so this doesn't happen again.

RIP Hypo!
I believe there is a reason for all things happening, and maybe God let this little fish die to teach us a lesson, to be more careful of looking after them in the future, or perhaps something else I haven't figured out yet. Hypo!'s death is small and insignificant to you, but remember that cute, tiny, funny, blue, hyper fish for a moment, and be nice to my brother if you see him, because he's kind of upset.

I apologize for this depressing post, but I thought it might be a bit helpful, and to remind all SFF owners to keep their tanks safe! I'm feeling a little sad right now, too... listening to Owl City. Like always, he makes me feel just that little bit happier and carefree.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Siamese Fighting Fish

Well well well. Our house now has three new pets... little sqiggley things in tanks that smell like shrimp and that dried fish stick stuff some people (by which I mean, people excluding me) eat at Chinese New Year.

So yep, last Wednesday we went out to City Farmers and bought 5 Betta Fish...or something or other can't really remember scientific name.
1 for Emily
1 for Daniel
1 for Hannah (happy birthday)
1 for Cindy (happy birthday)
and 1 for me!

And they were so named:
Robby Patty
Princess Sparkles
and Phoenix

In case you were wondering:
Yes, Nugget is the biggest, slightly round and eats excessively.
Yes, Hypo! is hypo a lot of the time, and Hypo! is spelt with an exclamation mark.
Yes, Robby Patty was named after Robert Pattinson : for one vampire obsessed friend
Yes, Princess Sparkles is a male... pink, and kind of sparkly (renamed Prince Sparkles)
and Nick. Well...yes, it is a bit weird naming a fish after a bird, but Nick was named after Ashleigh's deceased fish Phoenix (umm. the first, I guess)

So yup, they're very cute ^__^

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Click go the Scissors

I have a few things to say today. The first being that today is the last day of the sweet, sweet summer holidays! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooOOOOOO. I know I shouldn't be complaining, especially since we're going back to school pretty much 3 days after most of the schoolkids in WA, but I'm not particularly looking forward to resuming study mode again.

Yesterday, I got a haircut.
My sister reckons I look like a Kimmi Doll.

My brother says I look like Willy Wonka.

That's flattering :/

&& there's a special google today! Apparently it's Norman Rockwell's birthday. Who is that? I have no idea. Perhaps you'd best use google to find out.

Monday, February 1, 2010

February First

F irst day of Feb. Oh names means that we are pretty much 8 (and a half) % of the way through the year already! (Of course I used a calculator) Wowowowee it does go fast, doesn't it?
E veryone's looking forward to Valentines day (unless you're single or you've just been heartlessly dumped and the mention of Feb14 makes you donwright depressed) where you get showered with love, flowers, and enough chocolates to make you turn into a fat saggy bundle of flesh && CHINESE NEW YEAR (unless you're not Chinese)-the opportunity to become $rich$ and to eat yummy food & watch lion/dragon dances... woo.
B ack to school! (Daaaaaaaamnit -______-) It's that time of the year when we return to that ill fated place to be educated....for the better or worse, we all have to go. Except for those rare and lucky homeschoolies >.<>
R emember it's the last month of summer until December, so enjoy this beautifully blistering, boiling heat and dance around in the sunshine and get a tan while you can! But of course, I'm predicting that we're going to have a sunny March... anyways, don't forget to wear sunscreen and a hat! (I got burnt the other day on the Leeuwin... ouch >.< )
U nleash your inner awesomeness! Of course, there's no reason why you shouldn't do it any other month...but I'm really not the best poet and 'u' is not my favourite letter.
A nd it's a short month too (28 days this year) so make the most of it! And happy birthday to all whose birthdays are in February (there seem to be a lot of you too) in advance, in case I forget later on: Camille, Cindy, Emily, Hannah, Emily and Rin! If I missed yours, don't hate on me. Just let me know and I'll stick it in somewhere...
R elish (is that even a word? I think I meant 'cherish' but whatever...) the memories! You know, we'll never have another February 2010 every again after this, unless the entire planet reincarnates. (And let's face it, that's definitely not going to be happening.) So enjoy this February, and get something special out of it...... like a new friend, or un-enemize yourself with someone. I dunno, just do something good for yourself and the world (:
Y ou now need to get off your ugly backside, and get away from your computer and go do something!!!! Like exercise, or go read a book, or do some work, or go do the community a service like cleaning up all the rubbish because you should be making this FEBRUARY a better place for everyone to be. So there... you have your orders. GO LITTLE PEOPLE, GO!